“At least wine loves me!”

“It doesn’t, and it won’t respect you in the morning either.”

Alex was willing to take the risk but Karl had moved the bottle out of his reach. “Give it back.”

“No, I’ll make you some coffee. Then you can tell me why you’re in such a state over Dorian.”

Alex crossed his arms over his chest, suspecting he looked like a sulking toddler. Karl rattled around his kitchenette and a few minutes later presented him with a mug of coffee. “Come on, Alex. Drink this. I didn’t think you were the type to get yourself into a state over being left on the shelf. Or is this specifically about Dorian?”

He sighed. “I wasn’t meant to fall for the annoying bastard. Just a few months playing his boyfriend, after which I thought I’d be desperate to see the back of him.”

“He’s not the arrogant movie star I was expecting,” Karl admitted. “I had to try and restrain him a few months after Robin came to stay, but I guess people do change.”

“Dorian has been so lovely. We’ve talked about all sorts of things and he’s never made me feel uncomfortable or stepped over the line. I was thinking about asking if he might like to go on a real date but it’s obvious now that I won’t be who he’s after.”

“I don’t see why not. You’re a good man, and he needs someone who won’t let him get away with bullshit.”

“What he might need and what he wants aren’t the same. He’s gone out with a director tonight. The other people he’s mentioned who might be potentials are other actor types and entertainment lawyers. Not some secretary like me. I had thought, well it doesn’t matter what I thought now.”

Karl gave him a considered look. “Did you think he was interested in you? You both went into this thinking the same thing, that it was a contractual agreement, what’s to stop him from changing his mind too?”

“I thought I saw some signs. A few lingering looks, and I was all set to say something as it’s meant to be our last date this weekend, but then he told me he was going to dinner with this Jez bloke.”

“Did he say why he was going out with him? It sounds like there might have been a reason behind it?”

Alex scoffed. “I imagine it’s the same reason most people go out for dinner, Karl. I doubt they’re playing Scrabble.”

“You know what I meant.”

“I don’t know why Jez in particular, but I think he wanted a proper date with someone who could understand his job and the struggles he’s going through.”

“You could ask… maybe hint you’re interested in more. Just because he’s had one date with this bloke doesn’t mean he’s Dorian’s forever after.”

“I don’t know, Karl. I think I might have to accept I’ve made an idiot of myself and move on. I’ve even sent him a good luck text.”

Karl picked up Alex’s phone that was on the coffee table. “You texted him?”

“Yes, because I wasn’t very supportive, and it’s not his fault I’m not what he wants in a partner. He didn’t text me back though so I guess he’s too busy fucking Jez.”

Karl hummed and stared at the screen. “Looks like he’s replied recently.”

Alex snatched his phone back.

Dorian:The date was a bust. Waste of time. Steering clear of these types!

“What do you think he means by these types?” he asked Karl. “Older men? Directors?”

“Could be both,” Karl said. “Not knowing the man he was with, it’s difficult to give a proper conclusion. But if you said you thought you’d seen signs he liked you, maybe these types are anyone who isn’t Alex.”

“I’m not that lucky, Karl.”

“Nothing important should be left to luck. Would you allow Ben to manage his agenda by luck?”

“Of course I bloody wouldn’t… I think that was what he was doing before I started. I’m not letting him do that again.” He shuddered. “It’s all about meticulous planning.”

“Then why not apply the same principle to Dorian.” Karl patted his leg. “Between us we keep the house and his lordship moving in the right direction, I’m sure we can come up with a plan to make Dorian realise what he could have.”

Alex stared at Karl, who looked deadly serious. Karl had what he called an elastic brain, he was able to deal with pretty much any situation without breaking a sweat. “What do you have in mind?”