“But is it though?”


Simon’s lack of support shocked him, but only for a minute as he realised what an unthinking idiot he was saying something like that to Simon given his partner.

“You see, you’ve basically described me and Robin. I have no clue what he’s going on about sometimes when I go to his poncy business dinners, and when he meets my police mates he’s completely lost. But from what you’re saying that’d be enough for him to kick me to the kerb.”

“No, you guys are different.”


Dorian didn’t have an answer for that. “I’m being a twat again, aren’t I?”

“Yup. Look, if you don’t think there’d be a future with Alex just say it. As it stands, you’re still in the middle of a contract, not a relationship.”

“So I should just let it end?”

Simon sighed. “What do you want to happen?”

If he knew that he wouldn’t need to have this conversation. “I dunno. I’ve not even kissed him properly.”

“If you’re like this without snogging him it’s a good chance you’ll like him a damn sight more afterwards.” Simon looked him straight in the eye. “Seriously, Dorian, life’s too short whichever way you look at it. Either call it quits with Alex and find someone else, or give it a proper go.”

“What if someone else had already asked me out? And I might like them too but I don’t know how much.” The text from Jez sat unanswered on his phone. “He’s a director, not long divorced. In theory, he could be better suited.”

“What are you asking here?”

“Would it be cheating? On Alex I mean. I wouldn’t do anything with the other guy until we were officially out of our contract.”

Simon scrunched up his nose. “You aren’t a real couple so you can’t be cheating on him. But ask yourself what are you hoping to achieve from dating this other guy?”

“I just want to see if it could go somewhere. Fake-dating Alex isn’t like a real date.” The truth was he wasn’t sure but that sounded about right.

“Then let me give you one piece of advice. If you do go on a date with this guy don’t do it behind Alex’s back. You need to be honest, or he’ll think you’re hiding something and that’s worse. Trust is a fragile thing.”

“Is that what happened with Robin?”

“Not quite. He wasn’t interested in Marco, but Marco was hitting on him and Robin kept that to himself and continued to see him as a friend thinking he could handle it without the shit hitting the fan. Which it did.”

“I know it didn’t go down well.”

Simon crossed his arms over his chest. “My ex-husband, among other things, was a cheating bastard, and so I admit I have trust issues but I do trust Robin. He could have anyone, and I still find it odd that he chose me.”

Dorian didn’t think it odd. Simon might not be a twenty-three-year-old model but he was worth ten times more than any vapid barfly. He stabilised Robin, made Robin think outside his privilege and supported him in ways that were far beyond being a piece of arm candy. “You’re what he needs.”

“So my point is, what do you need from a partner? If they have to be in showbiz, then that rules out a lot of people. If Robin had to date someone with a title or high-flyer in the city then neither of us would have had the honour of being with him.”

The fact that Simon considered himself honoured to be with his partner spoke volumes, and he didn’t think it was something just because of Robin. “I need to think about this. But I will accept the date with Jez—and let Alex know.”

“It okay not to know things, Dorian. Being honest with yourself is just as important.”

He’d learnt that lesson the hard way, it had taken him years to come out publicly and he didn’t want to waste any more of his life. He’d test the waters with Jez and talk to Alex. Make sure he didn’t leave a trail of carnage this time.

Simon excused himself as his phone rang. “It’s Robin. He’ll be clucking over a house he’s spotted so I best not to let him work himself up too much.”

Dorian took out his own phone and selected Jez’s text.

Jez:I thought you might like to have dinner with me. Somewhere intimate, a chance to talk and get to know each other as more than friends.