Dorian assembled a bar with a ridiculous amount of weight and rolled it to the side. Then he selected dumbbells that were of a similar ludicrous amount before picking two others and holding them out for Alex to take. They were 10kg each. “I don’t want to.”

“Alex, take the weights.”

He huffed and groaned as he took the strain. “My arms will hurt.”

“With practise they won’t. A bit of core and upper body strength is good for you.”

In order to shut Dorian up, Alex did a couple of bicep curls. Muscles that were only used to carrying a laptop and notebooks protested their ill use.

“No, no, no—your stance is all wrong,” Dorian said, rolling his eyes. “You’re going to damage yourself.”

“I already told you that would happen.”

“A little use is not going to cause you long-term issues but the way you’re jerking those about could cause proper damage.”

“Then I should stop.”

Dorian grabbed him by the hips and kicked at his feet until Alex moved them into a Dorian-approved position. If he wasn’t so annoyed at the treatment he might have thought more about the way Dorian was groping him in public.

“Hands by your side. Shoulders down. Now with palms facing up slowly with controlled movements bring the dumbbells up to chest height. Hold for three and slowly curl back down.”

Alex did as he was told. “I suppose this isn’t too bad.”

“Good. Do three reps of ten and then we’ll change to some others.”

By the third rep his arms were shaking and Dorian hadn’t taken his eyes off him, giving gentle encouragement and the odd steadying hand.

“Maybe next time we add another rep, but I don’t think we should push it too much.”

Alex wasn’t sure there was going to be a next time as he was bound to have some important filing to do whenever Dorian suggested a visit. “Can I stop then?”

Dorian smiled and took the weights. “Let’s hit the sauna. I can come back with a trainer another day.”

“Don’t you want to do some lifty things?” Alex asked, confused by Dorian’s change of heart.

“Probably better if I have someone who could lift the weight off me if I got into trouble. I’ll book a trainer.” He slung an arm around Alex’s shoulder. “Steam room then a beer?”

He wanted to argue that he wouldn’t be that useless but the reality he was. “Gin and tonic?”

“Whatever you want.”

* * *

Alex hummed to himself as he refiled a selection of documents Dara had given him to make copies of and get the handwriting appraised. He’d meant to do it the day before but helping Dorian with the details to engage Rowan meant Friday afternoon had got away from him and, since he’d no plans for the weekend, he might as well get this on his to-do list. At least his arms had stopped aching now.

“Well, somebody’s in a good mood.”

Alex peered around the cabinet in Dara’s office. “I wasn’t expecting you. Hadn’t you plans with Nathan?”

“A mate of his asked if he wanted a few days’ work on a project with the BBC and he can’t afford to turn down things that might lead to a bigger opportunity.”

Alex would be glad of the company as Dorian was off to see friends this weekend so he wasn’t required for a date night. “Fancy a pint? I was thinking about grabbing lunch.”

“You’re on. Best to get out of the way before the wedding starts. Don’t want to be gatecrashing the photos.”

The pub was already busy when they arrived twenty minutes later and Dara waved him off to grab a table as he went to get the drinks.

“How’s your week been? Not seen much of you,” Dara said as Alex handed him his drink.