“What? A dickhead with a heart of gold?”

“Not sure I’d go that far.”

Karl glided up to them. “Mr Forbes, Mrs Weather said you’d requested these.”

Sitting on a silver salver was a bag of jelly babies. Ben reached over and picked them up. “Since when have you liked jelly babies? You used to melt them and throw them at rival houses back at school.”

Dorian snatched the bag back. “Alex likes them. I thought I could take a photo of a few and get my followers to comment which colour they thought was his favourite.”

“Was that your idea?”

Dorian knew his cheeks were flaming. “Yeah—I thought it would be nice.”

“Go on then.”

He hadn’t discussed this with Alex, but Ben wasn’t going to let it drop. He ripped open the bag and put an orange and green jelly baby next to each other on the tray.

“Aww, just the two? Oh, Dorian, I never took you to be such a romantic.”

“Fuck off, Crofton.”

He took out his phone and snapped a photo, uploading it straight to his Instagram account with the caption:DDB loves jelly babies but which is his favourite?

“DDB?” Ben asked laughing.

“That’s what my fans call Alex—Dorian’s Darling Boy.”

Within seconds his notifications exploded. Dorian grimaced. “I should probably go and warn Alex what I’ve done.”

He legged it from the room, Ben’s laughter ringing in his ears.

Alex should be in his office. Dorian knocked and peered around the door. Alex glared at him. “The answer is orange.”

Dorian held out the bag of jelly babies. “Peace offering?”

“How do you know I like them?”

“You bought them in the sweet shop, and you mentioned them on our first date.” He had a good memory, it was one of the things that helped him as an actor and meant he didn’t often fuck up his lines. “Said you’d prefer them to roses.”

Alex took the bag and selected a sweet. He held one aloft and then bit its head off. “Tell me, Dorian. At what point did we sanction the use of pet names on social media?”

“Erm… I couldn’t call you Alex, could I?”

“That much is true. But I’m also of the position you shouldn’t be calling me your darling boy either.”

“I thought it cute. There’s a lot worse you could be named. Just look at what they called Simon.”

Alex chewed the rest of the jelly baby viciously. “I’ll wait for those after you’ve dumped me.”

He couldn’t win this. “What would you prefer me to call you in the future? B and B?”

“Meaning what exactly?”

“Blond and bossy.” He didn’t duck quick enough and a jelly baby hit him on the forehead. “Ow!”

Alex tapped a piece of paper on his desk. “Your schedule to speak to the shortlisted agents. Take it and bugger off. Let me know after who you want to call for a face-to-face interview.”

He took the piece of paper. The interviews didn’t start for a few days. “Thanks. I’m going to head to the gym later, want to come?”