“You wonder why when you do things like this.”

He’d spent his teenage years in mortified embarrassment, but had come to terms with his parents in his twenties, he wasn’t ashamed of them, more that they didn’t understand some people had different boundaries.

“Ali, we worry, and this seemed too good a chance not to check in on my baby boy. Would you have preferred if we came to Crofton Hall instead?”

“I work there, you wouldn’t have done that.”

The look his parents shared told him they would have. “This way we don’t have to test your theory.”

Dorian reappeared carrying a tray with a cafetiere, a milk jug and some cups, he’d even added a plate of biscuits. His parents were going to love him, and he would never hear the end of this.

“You must think we’re terrible parents turning up like a couple of bad pennies,” said Alice. “But Alex can be a bit close-lipped about his personal life, and since you’re already all over the internet, I thought it a good idea to come and meet you.”

“We’re not all over the internet. It’s one or two photos,” Alex said, counting to ten in his head. “No one knows who I am, and I doubt they’d care.”

It wasn’t technically true, there had been a few emails from journalists requesting a statement, and he’d been very glad he wasn’t on LinkedIn, otherwise they might have tracked him down already.

“But we care, sweetheart.”

He held his breath, not sure how Dorian would handle his mum’s direct approach.

“I think it’s wonderful that you want to make sure that Alex is okay. There are a lot of parents out there who don’t care, and so I’m happy Alex has you both.”

Dorian had been briefed by the best public relations professionals during his career, Alex shouldn’t have doubted him.

“I’m sure your parents are similarly minded. You’ll always be their baby.”

“My dad died a few years back but I still have my mum. And you’re right, I’ll never stop being her little boy.” Dorian poured four cups of coffee. “Alex talks about you all the time, you must be very proud of him. As proud of him as he is of you.”

If Dorian had been his real boyfriend, that would have earnt him serious brownie points, several blow jobs and even a session where he could tie him up and do what he liked, because he saw his parents preen. No one he had dated had pushed to meet them, or talked about them even when he’d shared stories. Dorian could’ve excused himself, he had no long-term reason to be nice, no skin in the game that needed to be protected as if he were bothered about Alex’s feelings.

“I know when he was a teenager we were terribly embarrassing, but he’s comfortable with us now.”

“Who isn’t embarrassed by their parents at that age? My mum used to run me to auditions during the school holidays, giving me pep talks, and well, you don’t appreciate it at the time.”

“Yes, but I bet she didn’t threaten to come to your graduation wearing a hat shaped like a giant penis if you failed to call home regularly.” It had been one of several threats he knew would have been enacted.

“No, but then I went to RADA and it would have been encouraged.” Dorian grinned. “Alice, Alex told me you’re an artist. Are you exhibited somewhere?”

“I’ve a number of pieces in smaller galleries. Often my work is related to activism, so for a specific demonstration I’ll create an installation piece, and therefore they don’t always survive.”

George chuckled. “An awful lot of them do seem to get set on fire.”

“Yes, that is just part of my bigger aim. The obliteration of art is symbolic, and at its core, a demonstration of the animalistic proclivity of man.”

Alex had no idea what she was talking about but Dorian was nodding along. “I dare say with the destruction of the idea, you exemplify the base nature of those who will not listen.”

“Oh, absolutely.” His mother was staring at Dorian as if he’d hung the moon, and his father was also enthralled.

Dorian had surprised him again.

“I didn’t think you were into art in that way.”

“You spend a lot of time sitting around on the sets of movies, so I read a lot. Art history and the history of political movements are two of my favourite subjects.”

Alice was hunting through her huge handbag. “Alex, go sit next to Dorian. I’m going to sketch you as a couple.”

“How lovely,” Dorian said.