“I’d not thought of it like that. Did you say Karl’s next door? What about Mr Billins?”

“Karl’s under butler, so back in the day him and the valet of the earl would have pretty much run a house like this and we think these were the original quarters for those roles. As for Mr Billins, he’s living in sin with Mrs Weather in one of the estate cottages.”

Dorian choked on his wine. “He’s doing what now?”

“Didn’t you know they were a couple?”

“No, I must have missed that. Fair play to him, I hope I’ve still got it in me when I’m his age.”

Alex tutted. “He’s not that old. Sex doesn’t end when you leave your forties. Or at least I hope not, or at this rate I’m going to never have sex again.”

“Come off it. You’re not even thirty, I bet you’re beating the men off.”

“I assure you the only thing I’m beating off at the moment involves a solo endeavour.” He cleared his throat. He did not intend to discuss his sex life with Dorian. “Now, back to finding you an agent. Have you thought about the sort of questions you want to ask? I’ve helped arrange interviews but they weren’t for that sort of position.”

“It’s more like a relationship, I can’t work with someone I don’t connect with. I can’t be asking questions like where do you see yourself in five years.”

“No, but you can tell them your goals and ask them how they are going to help you reach them in five years.” He selected another sandwich. Chicken this time. “The endpoint isn’t so different, you want a successful new career and lots of money—that’s the same as any corporate position.”

Dorian shrugged. “I suppose so. But I think it’ll need to be more organic, although if you’re there you can move it along in the right direction.”

Alex wasn’t sure anything shouldn’t be referred to as organic unless it came with the correct soil certification, but he thought this might be one of the many occasions he would lead someone in the right direction, rather than force it, as he sensed Dorian would dig his heels in.

“What about potential business managers? We haven’t touched on that side.”

“Agent first, I’ve a legal team to advise on various things and I’ll worry about the rest after. I’m going to need an accountant too.”

Alex thought that would be one of the easier of the appointments they had to make and he reckoned Nathan would again have names of someone who could be useful. He wrote himself a note. “I’ll start contacting the three shortlisted agents tomorrow. Hopefully, we can close that out quickly.”

“What about the private detective?”

“I haven’t had a chance to look. You’re going to at least need a scope and some details. I know of corporate investigators but I’ll have to put some feelers out about the sort of person you want. It could get expensive as it’ll be international and persuading people to talk.”

“I don’t care how much it costs, and it doesn’t have to stand up in court just enough to confirm my thoughts.”

Alex didn’t see the reasoning. “But what’s the point?”

“Because then I’ll ruin the fuckers. And I’ll get Robin to help.”


“I never thought of myself as a vindictive person, but if it was Zak or Marisa they’ll deserve it because Simon sure as hell didn’t deserve to get stabbed in the stomach because I used to date his boyfriend.”

Alex sighed. “I’m not going to persuade you differently am I?”


Dorian lay back on Alex’s couch and Alex had the urge to join him, preferably with his knees either side of Dorian’s hips. The image made him knock his wine over. “Fuck!”

He raced to get some kitchen towels and Dorian moved the plates. “You all right. You look like you’ve been spooked.”

“Fine, fine,” he muttered, trying to stop the wine from seeping into the rug. “Just tired.”

“As long as it’s not being surprised I’m an avenging angel.” Dorian snatched the paper towels out of his hand. “Let me take care of this. You sit down. Between me and Ben, we’ll have been running you ragged.”

He started to argue but Dorian pulled him to his feet and moved him around, pushing him gently so he landed on his couch. Without being prompted, he refilled Alex’s glass and handed it over. Alex hadn’t thought Dorian the domesticated type but he was a lovely sight on his knees and he’d done a decent job of cleaning up.

“Let’s talk about something more fun. I’ve found a brilliant cottage we can escape to on the Norfolk coast for our weekend away.”