He trudged downstairs. Ben had mentioned that Dara’s partner Nathan would be here for dinner and Dorian only had a vague recollection of meeting him at Ben and Ashley’s wedding, recalling he was a TV producer Dara had met during theSecret Historiesprogramme he’d worked on based at Crofton Hall. Perhaps he might be able to help, being UK-based and with hopefully a decent network. Alex had suggested he reach out to his friends back in Hollywood, those with roots in England, but for now he was still trying not to get dragged into the drama that came with dealing with anything in LA.
Chris was there with Dara and Nathan already, and Dorian introduced himself and offered his hand. “Nice to see you again, Nathan. It’s been a while.”
“I tend to visit him in London,” Dara explained. “As lovely as Crofton Hall is, she’s still my workplace so it’s good to get away.”
Ben and Ashley arrived with Elena who was cackling over something that made Ben roll his eyes.
“What’s so funny?” Chris asked.
“My suggestion I could give the dishy DI MacLove a bed bath fell on stony ground.” Elena smirked. “Ben has no sense of humour. I despair, I really do.”
“The poor man is recuperating from being stabbed. The last thing he needs is to add in mental anguish from being preyed on by someone older than his mother.
“Is he not joining us?” Dorian asked. Simon had been relishing the peace and quiet and Dorian hadn’t seen much of him but he was sure he’d heard the plan was he’d start joining them for dinner.
Ashley shook his head. “He had a doctor’s check-up earlier and it’s taken more out of him than he expected. I said I’d sit with him if he wanted company for a late supper after he’s had a nap.”
Ashley placed the baby monitor on the table. “Is that for Davy or Simon?” Dorian asked.
“Don’t even joke about it,” said Ashley. “Robin made a suggestion in the same vein and Simon informed Robin where he could insert it if he were to buy one.”
“Robin is clucking something fierce,” Ben said. “He’s shuttling between here and the US for a few more weeks and he’s gone all Mother Hen worrying over Simon. Add in the jet lag and it’s not been pretty.”
“The sooner he’s permanently back the better,” Ashley said. “He’ll see Simon is well on the way to a full recovery and he’ll calm down.”
Dorian thought that might be wishful thinking, and it would be a while before Robin was settled. He’d received several texts from Robin looking for additional insights, jumping on every scrap of information. “You know at one point I’m sure he was going to hire a nurse.”
Chris choked on his water. “Oh, I bet Simon didn’t like the idea.”
Ashley laughed humourlessly. “Understatement of the year. Simon is one of the most even-tempered men I know and he fucking lost it. He was angrier over that than he was about Marco.”
“No one wants to be treated like that by a lover,” Dorian said. “It’s one thing to care, another to smother.”
“Thankfully Robin dropped the idea.”
Dorian couldn’t imagine Simon going ballistic, he had such a level-headed manner he wouldn’t have thought it possible. “If he managed to out-stubborn Robin then he’s a keeper.”
There was general assent in the form of nods and muttering around the table. Dorian thought he needed to get to know Simon better if so many people were quick to praise him.
“If I didn’t have Nathan, I’d have tried to lure him away from his ridiculously well-off and good-looking boyfriend,” Dara said with a smirk. “Obviously, if I were available, he’d find my podgy historian vibe irresistible.”
Nathan laughed. “I’m so enraptured by that vibe that I turn down offers from celebs day in, day out.”
Dorian thought this might be his perfect opportunity to see if Nathan might be of help without asking directly. “You’re better off with a historian, most of us celebrity types are a bit knobbish. Either that or our agents are.”
“Well, to be honest, Dorian, it can be a bit of a mixed bag. Generally, big names tend to be better than reality TV show rejects. Same goes for their people, if you’re hawking deadwood then they tend to be more desperate and pushy.”
“Oh, god, remember that bloke with a comb-over who won an obscure daytime telly quiz, but had the most ridiculous request?” asked Dara. “Nathan came home fuming, as the bloke thought he was Gielgud.”
“I wouldn’t have minded, but on the same show I had two bona fide headliners from West End productions who were also TV stars in their own right.”
“Sounds like you have connections to all sorts,” Dorian said, aiming for casual. The knowing look from Ben made him think he was being obvious, although most of the others around the table had fallen into their own side conversations.
“Between myself and the executive producers or studio reps, we cast a wide net. I’ve produced all sorts of TV shows so I have been building the collection for a while.”
“Do you do theatre work as well?”
Nathan shook his head. “Not in the sense of actually producing plays. I deal with my fair share of actors who do both theatre and TV.”