“It’s a little daunting. But neither of us wanted to hide away.”

“The limelight isn’t always the greatest place to be. I’m surprised Dorian didn’t go for someone more used to it.” There was a definite intensity in Jez’s gaze and Dorian hadn’t expected the interest. He filed the information away for later. Maybe if Jez was still single in a few months he could be someone he could ask out. They’d always got on well and with him being in the business, he would know more about dealing with the repercussions of dating someone like Dorian.

Alex placed his hand on Dorian’s thigh, a territorial act that Dorian cheered inwardly at. “Dorian needs a supporter, not someone wanting to bask in the glory or use his name. We’reverywell-suited. Ineveryway.”

Dorian turned and found himself staring into Alex’s eyes, he swallowed. He was lovely, and he hadn’t been lying when he’d said how well Alex filled his new jeans. “I couldn’t agree more.”

“I’ll leave you to your evening. I don’t want to be a gooseberry-flavoured third wheel.”

Dorian waved Jez off and Alex leant in. “He was interested in you.”

“Maybe a little. He’s not long divorced so probably on the rebound.”

“Would he be your type? I honestly didn’t think he would be since he’s a bit older and I guess the sort who would want to drive, prove he had more experience. Would that be something you’d want?”

Dorian considered himself to have a flexible approach to sex, although he probably had a preference to top over bottoming. “I’m not short on experience, it’s more I’ve not been open about it. I suppose I prefer to take the lead in bed, but equally I can follow orders if they’re good ones.”

“Do you want to start a potentials list? Whenever a bloke takes your fancy you could record the positives and negatives to help you decide.”

Dorian had never considered anything like that. “Doesn’t sound very romantic.”

Alex took a sip of his fruity cocktail. “Do you want romance? Can you afford something normal when it’d be better to be forewarned of issues that could be lurking given your position?”

That seemed so fatalistic. “You’re assuming there’ll be issues.”

“There are always issues but if you can ensure there’s never gonna be big ones then surely that’s got to be a benefit.”

“But just because I’m famous doesn’t mean I don’t want some of the normal things in life, like having a boyfriend I don’t have to vet.”

“There is always a price,” Alex said. “When the world knows who you are, and you have more money than God, you have to accept that it comes with a trade-off.”

Dorian didn’t want to think of things in such a black and white manner. “It’s not fair.”

“Not sure you can moan about things being fair. For those of us who can only dream of your lifestyle, it feels like a fair swap. Can you honestly say anyone in your Hollywood social circles had a whirlwind romance that stayed the distance with someone not an actor or in the business?”

Dorian racked his brains to come up with an answer to prove Alex wrong. He couldn’t. “I’m sure there are—just not ones I know well.”

“Trouble is there’s no fairy tale. People want to be famous but then don’t realise what that really means.”

Dorian had known he’d been lucky, he’d wanted to be an actor ever since he’d starred in his first play at school and had been guided in his early years by a mentor and then Zak and Marisa. “Fame means different things to different people. I don’t want what I used to have, Hollywood has lost its shine, so I don’t see why I can’t have a more spontaneous approach to dating.”

Alex smacked his lips as he finished his cocktail and Dorian had the most inappropriate thought about whether he would make similar noises when sucking a cock.

“This probably isn’t the best conversation to be having in public, even if no one can hear. We’re meant to be a couple on a date so I don’t think we’re transmitting the right vibe.”

Alex was right and Dorian called over a hostess to order one of the sharing cocktails, raising an eyebrow in defiance at Alex’s withering look. “What?” he asked with mock innocence as she left.

“You’ve gone the other way now. What was wrong with just sitting close on a sofa looking like we fancied each other?”

Dorian chuckled at Alex’s indignance. “You’re so cute when you’re grumpy.”

“No I’m fucking not.”

He reached out and stroked Alex’s brow where his frown was crumpling his forehead. “Oh yes you are. You’re like a rabid bunny rabbit. Have you got a fluffy tail?”

“Stop being a prick.”

“I will if you will.” Dorian waggled his eyebrows. “Come on, honey. Cuddle up.”