“I suppose I could have Ashley make some discreet enquiries.” Ben cleared his throat. “Through his father’s connections.”

“I daresay he’d be able to find out what was going on. As much as I need to know any potential impact to my rep, I am worried about Alex. He’s a lovely bloke—I’d hate to think he was in real trouble.”

“I supposed that would be our primary reason for asking. To make sure Alex was okay.” He could see Ben was trying to find a way to help and appease his conscience. “I’ll speak to Ashley, although he’s got enough to worry about with Davy and Simon, he’d kill me if I went straight to Niall without telling him.”

Dorian would let Ben handle that side of things. “Has he heard from Simon?”

“Yes, I think he’d been offering a friendly ear to let Simon rant. He’s going to see him tomorrow, and he’s planning to persuade him to move into the hall for a few weeks. Robin’s not been going about it in the right way so sending in Ashley will hopefully help.”

“Being stubborn is he?”

“Robin’s gone all caveman and Simon’s reacted exactly how you might expect him to act.”

Dorian couldn’t imagine Robin being so possessive, he’d never been that way when they’d been together. “I imagine Simon doesn’t like being treated like a kid. But Robin wasn’t the sort to be overly protective.”

“He wasn’t with you, but then you were never stabbed in the stomach and rushed into surgery.” Ben shifted so he sat facing him. “He’s worried, and feeling guilty that he hadn’t made Simon more of a priority in his life. He’ll back off in a bit, but only after Simon is settled.”

“They were already talking about buying somewhere. Robin’s going in the right direction.”

“Oh yeah, that plan will go into hyperdrive now. But he’s not my concern. He’s realised what he needs to do.”

Dorian slouched in his seat. “I’m your only problem child, then?”

“I was worried enough before the whole fake boyfriend thing.”

Ben didn’t need to overthink this, it was a temporary situation and would give him some breathing space. “It’s a perfect solution to the issue. This way I’m making it clear I’m not looking to try again with Robin.”

“But it’s another pressure point. You’ll have to accept that you’ll be putting yourself—and Alex—under the spotlight.”

He shrugged. “But this is a much more positive thing—I can be in control of where I go, how it can be perceived. It’ll be planned out, and with Alex on board you know it’ll be managed properly. Unlike my coming out.”

Ben hummed. “Are you really sure you’ve thought this through?”

“Yes. I’m actually looking forward to dating Alex. He’s kinda cute, and I reckon he’ll be perfect as my other half for a few months.”

“Kinda cute? Oh, Dorian, you better not be thinking down those lines. I will not lose Alex as my secretary because you use him and spit him out.”

Ben could fuck right off. He wasn’t that sort of man. Never had been. “Of the two of us, you were the one who couldn’t commit to anyone. I might have had a bit of freedom after Robin but I’m not normally temporarily minded. And—I might add—just because I can recognise that someone is cute doesn’t mean I’m going to try and shag them. Alex is doing me a huge favour; he will have my utmost respect.”

Ben did not look convinced. “Alex is just your type. Blond and bossy.”

“I don’t have a type, and even if I did it doesn’t mean I’m going to be an arsehole. I’m approaching fake dating as getting used to having someone in my life again. Then in a few months, Alex and I will break up and I’ll be in a decent place to find a real partner.”

Ben reached out and squeezed his shoulder. “I’m sorry for accusing you—I’m a bit short of sleep of late.”

“Nah, you’re all right. I’ve been a bit of a prick several times in my past, and it’s good someone’s looking out for Alex.”

“He’s been a godsend, and Ashley said Dara was singing his praises too. I think he’s settling in nicely, so I don’t want him to feel uncomfortable here.”

Dorian understood the sentiment. He was in a position to take advantage, but he wasn’t about to. He’d treat Alex right, and if he did get a little more romantic than the situation might warrant then he knew when to back off. Dorian couldn’t remember the last time he’d been so excited about something, and it felt wonderful.


Alex made his way into the underground lair that was also known as Crofton Hall’s archive, in search of the chief archive dragon who had asked for him to check over some documents. Dara was reading a leather-bound journal that had seen better days.

“What you got there?” he asked as he approached.

Dara looked up. “Alex, I didn’t hear you come in. I was searching through a particular section looking for evidence to corroborate something Chris found when I came across this. It appears to celebrate a marriage.”