“I think I should be told if there was any reputational risk if your reasons were to become public knowledge.”

Alex worried his bottom lip. “It’s a family matter. I promise there’s nothing illegal or nefarious. Can we leave it at that? If you’re trusting me to be your fake boyfriend I would think you could believe me over my reasons.”

He puffed out his cheeks. Alex didn’t strike him as someone up to their neck in debt to some mob boss or who had a terrible gambling habit. “All right. So say we were to embark on this business agreement what are you thinking of as rules?”

From his inside pocket, Alex withdrew a folded piece of paper. Dorian should have known he would have come prepared. “Here.”

No sexual activity, no nudity or lewd behaviour.

Kissing is limited to a single peck on the cheek or lips. No deep or lingering engagement. No tongues.

Separate rooms for the events where appearing to stay as a couple overnight. Adjoining rooms, if lockable, are acceptable.

Period of agreement is not to exceed three months. In the unlikely event an extension is required, double the original fee is to be paid in full.

One date per week unless there are mitigating circumstances.

Dorian didn’t think the rules were unreasonable and he’d have been willing to offer Alex a lot more than he’d asked, but he was concerned why he had accepted. He could get to the bottom of that later.

“I might want to add a couple of things. Holding hands, acting like you want to be there. No public arguments… and I would like to veto certain clothing choices.”

Alex scowled. “You won’t need to worry about how I’m dressed, I am fully capable of choosing my attire to fit the occasion.”

“I’ve never seen you out of a suit, which I must say looks very nice, but do you have high-end casual clothes?”

He shook his head. “Not really. I’d say high street brands were more in my price bracket. I saved my clothing budget for work.”

“Easily fixed. As part of the deal, your clothing for our dates will be covered by me.” He held up his hand to stop him arguing. “You will need to look the part. But I don’t expect you to pay for it, as I’m assuming if you had the spare cash we wouldn’t be doing this in the first place.”

Alex handed him a pen. “Write down your additional stipulations. I take it we have an agreement?”

Dorian smiled. “I would love for you to be my fake boyfriend. We could set up a first date, nothing too outlandish but we could let a couple of friendly journalists know. Dinner, maybe, in a fancy restaurant in London or Cambridge.”

“That would be acceptable. But I think I would have to clear this first with Lord Crofton. If he had no objections, once you’ve transferred the money, we can schedule our first date within a couple of days if I can meet the dress code in time.”

It also sounded so clinical but then it would be a business transaction. Dorian hoped they could enjoy each other’s company at least. “I can transfer the money now if you want but we can arrange our first date for next weekend.”

“If Lord Crofton agrees.”

“Ben won’t have a problem. Text me your bank details and we’ll go from there.” He’d talk to Ben, if only to assure him he wouldn’t act like a prick because given his previous actions, Dorian thought Ben would be within his rights to think it. Also, there was no need to rush into their first public outing and he thought Alex might need to deal with whatever had left him needing the money.

“Okay, I appreciate the additional time. Do you want me to sign the rules? They obviously can’t be legally binding.”

“Alex, I don’t need it. Look, it’s a bit of an odd situation, and I know it might be awkward at times but let’s just treat it as friends getting to know each other. All right?”

“Yes.” He smiled. “Sounds like a plan. I can pull together a list of potential dates, we can schedule them in and map out a month at a time so you can plan everything else around it.”

Alex was looking for a way to bring everything back under his control and Dorian would let him. “Brilliant. We can discuss on Monday. I’m hoping for some of your time if you’re free.”

“I can do late afternoon, if that works for you?”


“I’m going to go and sort out some things.”

Alex didn’t run but he didn’t dawdle either. Dorian decided to find Ben and talk to him about the situation straight away rather than find out by other means. Ben might also have heard from Robin, as Dorian had thought better of contacting him just yet. It would be easier to find him if he sent Ben a text.

Dorian:Where are you? Do you have a minute?