Dorian thought that it was the best option. Plenty of people about if needed but also enough opportunity to hide away and find some peace when things became too much.

Dorian got to his feet. He needed to get out of here, the room felt too constricted and he could leave Ben to deal with Robin. “Alex, if you’ve time now, let’s go and write me a statement. Can we use your office?”

“Of course,” Alex said. They left together, Dorian only just managing to hold back his tears.


Dorian slouched low in the chair in Alex’s office as Alex typed frantically. He wanted to crawl into bed and forget the last twenty-four hours. He couldn’t get the image of Simon’s blood on his hands out of his head.

“Why don’t you go have a walk or something? I can work on this and then we can go through it later,” Alex offered. “I know it was Simon who was stabbed, but you were right there—you’re bound to be upset over it too.”

Dorian was glad of the support but he didn’t want to be on his own. He wanted the distraction. “I’d rather stay here. With someone, if that’s okay with you.”

“Of course. Oh, Dorian, it’ll be all right, you’ll see.” He smiled and turned back to his computer. “I’m not sure how much we can actually say in a statement. There’s probably a whole host of legal issues that could crop up. I suggest wishing your good friend a speedy recovery, and that your thoughts are with him and his devoted partner.”

“Sounds good. I just wish we’d taken the threats Simon received more seriously. Even if Robin wasn’t with Simon, we wouldn’t have got back together—that was not on the cards.”

Alex bit his bottom lip and Dorian wondered if Alex was a good kisser. He blinked. Where had that come from? Just because Alex was gay and single didn’t mean he was someone Dorian would want to kiss.

“Then instead we should allude to an amazing new man in your life, which would infer you’re not in the market to get back together with Robin. Whoever we create will have a hard time measuring up to Robin—millionaire in his own right, future billionaire and Viscount Whetford will be a hard act to follow.”

“I never really thought of him like that. To me he was just Robin. Looking back, that was probably part of the problem.”

Alex wrinkled his nose. “Who dumped who?”

He thought this was common knowledge at the hall but then why would Alex know? “He had enough of me not being out—or at least that’s his story. But there was more to it. Even if I’d have been out we wouldn’t have lasted much longer.”


“When I first met him he was in a difficult place. Recovering from the grief of losing his brother and with a coke habit that had landed him in rehab.”

“I was not expecting that. He’s certainly reinvented himself. I’m sure I’ve seen articles on him being one of these future business moguls to watch.”

Robin had been wasted as his PA. In hindsight it was obvious but he hadn’t wanted to see it. “He’s an amazing man. And I’ll always love him in some way, but he wasn’t ever going to stay hidden and the Robin you see today is the real Robin.”

“I would have thought a movie star, with all your connections, would have been a more suitable choice than a policeman.” Alex bit his lip again, and Dorian still wanted to know if he was a good kisser. “Simon must be rather special.”

“I wanted to think he was a rebound shag. That Robin would chuck him and I’d swoop in and we’d get back together, and I’d come out. But Robin fell arse over tit for him, and I was so mad.”

“I suppose Simon couldn’t believe someone like Robin would want to go out with him. I mean he’s like me. Just a normal bloke.”

“They met in the pub in the village. Robin didn’t let on who he was and they started dating without Simon knowing all the facts. For Robin it couldn’t have been better—Simon wanted him because of him. Not his name, or his money.”

“Sounds like the sort of movie you’d have starred in.” Alex smirked.

Dorian had to admit Alex was pretty cute. “Oi, I’ll have you know I’m not Hallmark material. Cheeky fucker.”

Alex turned the monitor in Dorian’s direction. “Have a read of this and tell me what you think. We might want to rejig a bit to sound more authentic to your voice.”

He scanned the document. Alex had a great turn of phrase and he could see why he’d been successful in his career. “Do you think the details about my fake boyfriend are too generic?”

“Since you haven’t identified someone who could pretend to be your partner, I don’t see how we could give more specifics. You had plenty of fake girlfriends in the past, including a fiancée, haven’t you any male friends who could fill in?”

Dorian huffed. “Fake girlfriends were easy because there was no chance it’d be more, with a bloke it’d be a different connotation.”

Alex sucked on the end of his pen and Dorian realised it had been too long since he’d been laid. “What about hiring someone?” Alex suggested. “A nice young lad out of RADA? Could be an excellent opportunity for them with exposure to the business through you.”

“Seems like a perfect set-up for blackmail. But maybe hiring an escort for a few dates could work.”