Simon grinned. “Thanks but we’ve other plans. Robin’s back off to the US the day after tomorrow so… well, y’know.”

“Then you’ll be flying solo on your way back, Dorian,” Alex said, and Dorian was grateful Alex had shut down the conversation. “Security at the venue are aware of the arrangements and I would suggest you all leave together and drop Simon and Robin off wherever they intend to go and you can come back here.”

“I can arrange a car to pick us up,” Robin said. “I have a driver on call if needs be.”

He’d had the same in LA. Always someone available to make sure he could get from A to B with the minimum fuss.

“We’re not taking the bus then?” Simon teased. “We could get a kebab on the way home.”

Robin tutted. “No bus, no kebab. Honestly, read the room. I want to do something nice for you.”

Simon hip-checked him. “What about a kebab with extra chilli sauce?”

Alex laughed. “Gentlemen, we really do have to have you on your way. Simon, let me text you the address of a place that does amazing gourmet kebabs that’ll help you convince Robin you’re not a pleb.”

“I’ll have you know that I’m descended from the Earl of MacLove,” Simon said, with a pretend haughty accent. “Pity he was a traitor who lost the family seat six hundred years ago. I could have been even posher than Robin.”

Robin gave him a little push. “Could haveis the operative word here. Move it, MacLove, or we’ll make Dorian late for his party and, trust me, you don’t want to deal with a grumpy Dorian.”

Robin had seen him at his best and his worst, there weren’t many who knew him as well as Robin did, he opened his mouth to make the point then decided Simon didn’t need to hear that about an ex.

“I doubt he’s as grumpy as you when you when you don’t have enough sleep,” Simon countered before Dorian could.

The more he saw of them as a couple the more he realised how good they were together. Robin would need someone to keep him grounded, his life was so different to what it was when he lived with Dorian and without someone like Simon he could easily find himself lost in the corporate jungle and the target of every gold digger going.

“No one is as grumpy as Robin when he’s tired.” He slapped Simon on the back. “And he’s your problem now.”

Simon let loose a whole-body chuckle and Robin scowled. They piled into the limo, Dorian letting them go first and then taking the seat opposite.

Alex peered into the car through the open door, and Dorian had a strange pang that he’d wished he’d asked Alex to come too. “Enjoy your evening, gentlemen. There’s champagne on ice if you want, plus water. That should keep you going to get to the cinema.”

Dorian wondered how much of this lifestyle Simon had been exposed to. He’d been dating Robin for over a year but from the various social media posts he’d seen Simon wasn’t often with Robin when he attended the various glamourous events, or at least he wasn’t pictured. He’d also not mentioned to either of them his conversation with Ashley, and wasn’t going to bring it up now, but he would keep Simon in his line of sight.

“Shall I open the champagne?” Simon asked.

Robin glanced at the bottle’s label. “Ah, not a bad offering. Yes, I’ll have a glass.”

Simon yawned and covered his mouth. “Sorry, I was on lates until yesterday. I had to swap with a colleague to get tonight and tomorrow off.”

Robin took hold of Simon’s hand. “Did you manage to get the day after as well?”

“No, sorry. I tried, but a couple of the cases are full-on and I have to put my leave in insanely in advance to guarantee something. I only got this because my boss has a crush on Dorian and I’ve agreed to cover her anniversary in a few months.”

Dorian hadn’t thought it would be an issue, yet here was Simon calling in favours in order to come tonight. He’d not considered other people for so long, always got what he asked for and it was something else he would have to change.

“Then I think you should let me and Robin do the work,” Dorian said, retrieving the bottle from an ice bucket. “Robin, I think there’ll be glasses in the console to your left.”

There weren’t many of this type of high-end luxury car that he hadn’t been in and the Maybach was one of his favourites—he’d almost bought one for himself. Sure enough, Robin found the glasses and Dorian opened the champagne with a satisfyingpopand managed not to spill any.

“Any advice on how to avoid looking like a muppet?” Simon asked.

“What about other events you’ve attended?” Dorian asked. “Robin moves in some rather well-heeled circles these days.”

He saw Robin’s pinched expression but Simon didn’t seem bothered by the question. “I’ve been to a few black-tie galas with Robin. I go when I can around my work as it can be a bit unpredictable. But I’m there as Robin’s plus one not because I’m anyone important, so I’m usually a blur in the background, which suits me fine.”

“You’re important to me. You know I want you there.” Robin kissed the knuckles of Simon’s hand. It was so endearing. They’d not been like that, his and Robin’s dynamic had been different. Here Robin was more in the lead and he could see that Simon was happy for him to be. Not something he’d have expected from a copper.

“I know I am. I’m completely fine not being in the centre of attention, which is why getting the online hassle recently weirded me out a bit at first before I spoke to someone at work.” Simon shrugged. “Unless you tell me any different, I’m just gonna stay close to Robin or you and smile.”