Alex had seen many emails from two individuals called Zak and Marisa, and he didn’t think they’d be easily appeased, although Dorian was a smart man and he couldn’t imagine he hadn’t had some sort of break clause written into their contracts. “Let your lawyers deal with them. I would say don’t engage directly unless they tell you. Who else is on your priority list?”

“I had a publicist who worked along with a communication and social media team, a stylist, PA…”

He’d only realised how involved being a movie star was when Dorian had given him his long list of people he used to employ. In the business world, there were whole hierarchies in place but Dorian was just one man.

“We can sort it all out. You’ll have people coming to you, I bet, you just need to be careful that you pick the right people.”

Dorian stared at his cake, playing with the cream with his fork. “Not sure I trust myself to do that right now.”

“Doesn’t need to be now. And when you’re ready, I’ll be happy to help where I can. I can screen candidates for the less important roles. Once you’re more your old self you can start reaching out to your friends for recommendations.”

“I don’t want to be the old me. To be honest I don’t know what I want.”

Alex felt for Dorian, he really did. He was lost, looking for answers and things that were familiar but nothing would be the same again. He had a few ideas he thought could be simple but effective. “You might want to think about recording a few super short videos for your fans—nothing arduous—just that you’re doing okay and taking some time to think.”

Dorian was lost, he needed time and not to be overwhelmed. “I’ll think about it.”

“I tell you what, we’ll get your lawyers to deal with all the old stuff and I know a couple of people in communications from my previous job, so we can put someone in temporary to hold the line and keep things ticking over so you don’t need to worry about it.”

“That would be amazing.”

He prided himself on performing minor miracles. “I’ll get on it tomorrow. Just so you know I’ve got everything in place for the premiere—car and stylist booked, and your suit is being delivered the day before.”

Dorian smiled. “Wonderful. I can’t thank you enough.”

“Nonsense it’s my job.”

Dorian smiled and Alex had to hold back a whimper. The man was gorgeous and wasn’t the overbearing knob he’d been expecting. He was going to put a lid on this before he let his libido take the wheel and he got himself in too deep and fell for a man who was so out of his league it was ridiculous.

* * *

Ashley chewed the inside of his cheek. He’d met Simon for breakfast before he’d started work, and Simon had moaned about how he’d spent an hour the day before going over the report he’d made to the cyber-crimes unit over the messages he’d received on Instagram. A little probing had led Ashley to learn that Robin had received messages telling him to dump Simon and offers to remove him if he so desired. Simon had dismissed them outright. He’d seen plenty of these sort of things in his police career and didn’t think there was anything real behind the threats. But whether it was his lack of sleep or the overprotectiveness he’d developed since becoming a father, Ashley couldn’t leave it but didn’t know what to do.

He spotted Dorian reading in the library, and his immediate thought was to ask if he’d received anything similar to Robin.

“Hey, Ashley. Are you all right? You look a little peaky.”

He still had Davy with him, asleep in his car seat. He sat down and placed Davy by his feet. “Can I ask you something? I might be overthinking.”


“Have you been getting direct messages about you and Robin getting back together?”

“I’ve been keeping a wide berth of social media. I uninstalled most of the apps after New York.”

He should have expected that, Ben was similar. “It’s just that Robin’s had a few, and from what Simon said there’s a dodgy element to them.”

Dorian got out his phone. “Let me get on Instagram and check. Alex did mention that there were a lot of comments still going around, and I’m sort of hoping it’ll all peter out after our trot across the red carpet.”

“I’m probably being daft. Simon isn’t worried, but since you’re here I thought I’d ask.”

“No worries.”

It took a few minutes, and Dorian had made several attempts to remember his password. Ashley gnawed at his bottom lip as he waited.

Dorian wrinkled his nose. “There’s a lot of shit in my messages. Honestly, I don’t know why people think I’d read them.”

“Anything about you and Robin?”