“I hope that’s not too much.”

“Not at all. It’s quite nice to have a more sedate pace of life. I was speaking to Dara and Chris over the weekend and thought I might be able to help with some of their administrative items—they don’t seem very efficient.”

“Dara is a historian and Chris has his head in the clouds half the time, I’d be more surprised if they were super organised.”

Alex shook his head. “Oh, they’re organised. More that there’s ways and means of doing some of their repetitive tasks that could be better planned and executed. I’m used to making sure very busy men and women get the most out of their day.”

Ben wouldn’t object to Alex helping wherever he saw fit and he had a thought of another way he could help. “If you do find yourself at a loose end, we’ve a guest who might need some help. He had a PA before and let’s just say he’s had a change of circumstances that means he’s going to be spending some time with us here until he sorts himself out.”

“If that’s what you want me to spend my spare time on, then of course. But it would be great if I could have some details—I don’t have any information on him.”

Ben paused. Alex was a professional, had worked with some prestigious bosses but none of them were a Hollywood A-lister. “It’s a friend of mine called Dorian.”

Alex raised an eyebrow. If Ben had been a single man he might not have been so controlled in his reactions.

“As in Dorian Marsten?”

“Technically, it’s Dorian Forbes, and he is considering whether to retire his stage name.”

“If he’s thinking of retiring and, as I think you said, no longer has a PA, what would he need with a secretary?”

Ben had presumed that Dorian would need someone to help deal with the mundanities of life. “Retiring from the Hollywood side of things. I don’t think he knows what he wants to do, but he’ll need help dealing with everyday items, I imagine. I haven’t actually asked, but I’ve known him for years and he’s had an entourage of people to take care of everything for him, so I assume he still will.”

Alex didn’t look convinced. “That’s understandable. But I’m not a PA in the sense of a movie star’s minion. I can have a word with him and see if I can help but he shouldn’t expect the sort of thing PAs do for movie stars.”

Ben smirked, thinking of Robin. “I’m sure he won’t.”

Alex wrinkled his nose. “I do not sleep with my employers. I thought I should make that clear given his previous PA.”

“I…” He was seldom lost for words and it took a moment to reply. “I think I can clear that up. Robin was Dorian’s boyfriend and he acted as his PA so they could be together as much as possible. There was nothing inappropriate.”

“I’m sorry, I was aware of the connection, I didn’t mean to infer anything, it’s just I’ve had some difficulties in previous employments and I find it better to be firm.”

“Difficulties?” Ben hadn’t picked up anything when he’d interviewed Alex and he hoped this wasn’t too terrible.

“One of my boss’s wives was rather handsy. Didn’t like to take no for an answer and when I refused her advances, she told her husband I’d tried it on.” Alex winced. “If it wasn’t for the fact he knew I was as gay as they come, it might have cost me my job. Although it ultimately did as it was an uncomfortable position to be in and I resigned.”

“Oh, Alex, I can assure you that you will not be subjected to anything like that at Crofton Hall. If you don’t feel comfortable with supporting Dorian, then please don’t think you have to.”

“It’s fine. I’m happy to talk to him. But I mean it that I won’t be running around picking up his dry cleaning or fixing him lattes and spinach smoothies.”

Alex was a good egg. The solid type who could probably organise a land war in Asia and then pop home in time to do the ironing. “I guarantee no spinach smoothies. I don’t think Mrs Weather would let them in the hall.”

Alex left to sort out his new office next door, the one Ben had never been able to persuade Ashley to take because Ben would bother him too much. The thought of the man seemed to trigger his appearance.

“Ready for daddy duty?” Ashley said.

Ashley didn’t wait for an answer and handed Davy over.

“Always ready!”

“Then I’ll be back in a few hours. Oh, Simon texted to say him and Robin would be okay for dinner.”

Ashley didn’t hang around, departing after a quick kiss. Davy made a rumbling noise and the smell was unmistakable. “Why is it you poo every time I pick you up?”


Alex printed off the last of the letters Ben would need to sign. Despite the rest of the world having moved into the digital age, it didn’t seem to apply to the peerage. Ben had more invitations to dinners, events and fundraisers than he could ever hope to attend, and he preferred to decline with a written response. Those were on top of the meetings for the estate or the local charities Ben supported, then there were the emails, which should have been in his personal inbox as they alluded, some quite bluntly, to arranging meetings to get back in touch in the most intimate of ways. From what he could tell, Ben had a standard reply that made it clear he was off the market, citing plans with his husband. Not that it seemed to put them off.