It dawned on Ben that he hadn’t told Ashley about their new houseguest. “No, he’s back in the UK.”

Ashley groaned. “You’ve let him move in here, haven’t you?”

“I thought you liked him.”

“I don’t dislike him, but I don’t think he’s as good a friend to you as you are to him. And in theory Robin’s still here as well.” Ashley sat up. “I not sure it was the best choice.”

“I couldn’t not invite him here. He cut himself off from all his LA friends, wants to reinvent his career under his real name Forbes and start afresh.”

Davy had finished feeding and made his displeasure known. Ben grabbed a cloth off the side. Where once their bedside table had been a home to lube and silk scarves, these days linen squares were the order of the day and the toys were of a different design and intended use.

“But he’s not the innocent party here. He chose to hide for the sake of his career, and he’s hurt a lot of people along the way to get what he wanted. If he starts causing shit in my home, I’m going to ask you to send him packing.”

Ashley wasn’t wrong, but he didn’t have the full story. Dorian had let his manager and agent influence him far more than he should. “That’s fair, but can I ask you to give him a chance? Robin’s made peace with him, and he was arguably the most affected, so I think you could too.”

“My concerns are for you, Ben. Not Robin or Dorian. If he takes advantage, or causes drama between us, then I’ll yeet him from the grounds myself.” Ashley might not be his father, but there were times when some of Niall’s genes came out in full force. “You won’t see the issues, you’re too nice. I’m happy to be the bastard to protect you.”

Davy grizzled and Ashley took him off Ben. For a moment Ben had twin sets of the same eyes staring at him. He sensed this wasn’t going to be the last time either.


“I glad we’re in agreement.”

There were arguments he could win, this wasn’t one of them and he thought it best to change the topic. “I thought it would be nice to have Robin and Simon over for dinner. Emphasise them as a couple sort of thing.”

“Good idea. I assume you know when you’re free.” That was a loaded question.

“Roughly. But I’m sure Alex will sort me out.”

“I hope so. He moved in on Saturday, so given it’s now Monday morning, it might be the perfect opportunity to start the week as you mean to go on. Me and Davy have a Baby Jazz class.”

He was more than happy to leave those sorts of activities to Ashley who, listening to the stories, was a very popular member of the local parent and baby groups. “Then consider today my first step back on the path to organisation.”

“You used to be on top of estate business at least, and so did I. But this little fellow tends to cause a few distractions. Best not miss another meeting with the mayor though.”

The mayor hadn't minded, and told him all about her own grandchildren, but there would be others who wouldn’t be so understanding.

A shower and shave later and he was up and raring to go. Ashley was dressing Davy. “Since you’re back, would you be all right to take him this afternoon? I was thinking about getting a haircut, maybe have an hour to myself drinking coffee without having to mop up baby drool.”

“Absolutely. I could do with some time with my favourite guy.”

“I refuse to let you make me jealous of my own son.”

Ben smirked. “You know me so well. I was thinking we could get a babysitter, or pressgang several of our residents, and have a night away. Maybe next weekend?”

“Don’t tease me, Ben. It’s not fair to give me that sort of hope.”

He pulled Ashley into his arms, Davy safe for a moment on the bed trying to put his feet in his mouth. “I promise a night to remember.”

“A full eight hours sleep?” Ashley asked, wistful.

“Afterwards yes, I’ll make sure you’re exhausted.”

“I already am.”

They shared a kiss. Ben loved having Ashley in his arms, but they were soon reminded by a grumpy grizzle why it had no chance to develop into more.

“When do you want me to take him?”