Simon sagged in his seat. “I don’t want to keep pushing. After the place we found fell through he’s been a bit reluctant, then he started spending more time in the London apartment that he bought so he can get into the office easier.”

“I noticed that.” Robin hadn’t moved out of the hall, but had been spending less time here. Ashley had mentioned it to Ben, but like most things when he came to his friend’s defence, Ben couldn’t see an issue. “Look, Simon, you do need to talk to him about this. If you’re going to live together, it’s your job that’s not flexible, so you need to be local to the police station.”

“I know. Robin said he understands that, but…” He sighed. “I guess the reality of dating someone who needs a job because they’re not a trust fund babe is beginning to bite. He’s mentioned a couple of times about me leaving the police.”

Simon hadn’t said anything about that before. “He wants you to change jobs?”

“He’s not said it that bluntly, but that’s the inference, or even give up work completely like his mum did.”

“Is that something you’d consider?” Ashley hadn’t wanted to give up his job when he’d started dating Ben, and while he now considered running the wedding side of the estate business as part of his contribution to the family, Simon might have different thoughts.

“His mum travelled with his dad until they had children, but they also met and married in eight weeks so it’s not the same.” Simon’s wistful gaze settled on Davy. “Maybe in the future I would, but not now. Not after… well, it’s not the right time.”

“I thought you were in a better place and had sorted things between you.”

Simon stroked Davy’s head. “We are. And I love Robin and want a future with him, but I’ve been divorced once and I don’t want to be in a position if we break up, that I’ve got to start over from scratch again.”

“There’s nothing wrong with wanting to protect yourself.” Ashley hadn’t really thought about what would happen if him and Ben split, it seemed so unlikely, especially now they had Davy. Crofton Hall had been his home for a few years and he couldn’t imagine living anywhere else, perhaps his parents’ house if he had to.

“It’s more about having some stability. I thought I had it, Robin was close to buying a place, and I could see myself moving in. But now we’re not even in the same country, and he’s months away from being permanently back in the UK. I’ve come to the conclusion if I want an anchor I’m going to have to be that for myself.”

“Oh, Simon.”

He shook his head. “It’s not a bad thing. Honestly, Ashley. If me and Robin are going to make it work then I can’t be looking for him to be my rescuer. I’ll never be his financial equal but we have to be in other ways.”

Ashley’s phone pinged. He grabbed it off the table and saw a number of WhatsApp messages from Ben. Several photos of Ben, Robin and Dorian loaded. They appeared to be having a good time. Bastards.

“Looks like the night is still young in the Big Apple.” He turned his phone to show Simon.

“Bloody hell.” Simon checked his watch. “It’s nearly four in the morning. Robin is going to be a right moody twat when he wakes up later.”

“Least he’s not your problem.”

Simon chuckled. “Yeah. Hope they all have mammoth hangovers.”

Karl arrived. “Ah, Ashley, I wondered where you’d got to. You’ve missed breakfast. Would you like me to bring you something?”

Ashley groaned at the thought. Maybe he could divorce Ben and marry Karl. “A sausage sandwich and a hot coffee would be awesome.”

“Same for you, Simon?”

“If there’s one going.”

Karl disappeared and several more photos hit his inbox.

“I think I’m too old for that bollocks,” Ashley said.

“Those clubs aren’t really my scene. Even when I’ve got my posh gear on, I never feel fully accepted. Not sure I’d want to be.” Davy wriggled and Simon placed him in his bouncer. “I reckon I’ve got the better deal.”

“I knew there was a reason I liked you best.” Ashley grinned. “I forgot to mention, we’ve Alex moving in today. I think Dara and Chris are going to take him to the pub if you’re interested.”

“Sounds good. I’ll drop Dara a text later. Or I could keep you and Davy company.”

“I wouldn’t say no to that. But don’t feel you have to.”

“Don’t be daft, Ashley.”

Whatever happened with Robin, he didn’t want Simon to think he wasn’t welcome. Crofton Hall seemed to have attracted a little band of like-minded individuals and Ashley would do his damnedest to keep them together.