“Oh, I will.”

Despite wanting to devour his strawberry creation in two large mouthfuls and get out of the restaurant as soon as possible, Alex took his time, taking small bites and licking the remaining cream off his spoon. Dorian whimpered and Alex asked for the bill, which the eagle-eyed waiter knew would be needed straightaway.

“Car’s outside,” he said as Dorian finished paying. “Are you sure you don’t want a drink somewhere else?”

“Don’t push me, Alex, or I will throw you over my shoulder and carry you to the car fireman style.”

Alex laughed. “As tempting as that sounds, let’s not break the internet this evening.”

The car pulled away and Dorian grabbed him. “How long’s this ride.”

“Should be less than ten minutes at this time.”

Dorian kissed him, deep, messy and demanding. His hands found their way under Alex’s jacket and tugged at his shirt but Alex was not going to let Dorian have everything his own way. He pushed him back and waggled his finger. “No skin until we’re behind closed doors.”

“Are you trying to fucking kill me?”

He slid his hand up Dorian’s thigh. “No, but you must know that good things come to those that wait.”

Even at this time of night London was not free of traffic and Dorian was growing more impatient by the minute. Alex enjoyed watching him squirm. They reached the apartment in Westminster and Dorian dragged him into the communal lobby and into the lift, pressing him against the mirrored walls as they ascended to the penthouse. “Can you feel how hard I am?”

There was no mistaking Dorian’s erection. “I’m sure that will be magnificent rammed deep inside of me.”



The doors to the lift opened and Dorian grabbed his hand and yanked him into the corridor. With the keys in his other hand, he somehow managed to open the apartment door without letting go.

Once inside Dorian picked him up and flung him over his shoulder as if he weighed nothing. Alex yelped in surprise. “Put me down.”

“Once we’re inside the bedroom I will.”

He tried to struggle but his heart wasn’t in it and Dorian was racing through the apartment. He’d not been in Dorian’s bedroom before and just had a moment to realise it was a bigger version of the one he’d stayed in last time and he was thrown, with great care, onto an enormous bed.

“Get your kit off,” Dorian ordered, unfastening his jacket.

Alex propped himself on his elbows. “I think you’re labouring under the false impression that you’re in charge here.”

He’d always loved being fucked, but he also loved calling the shots and he hoped he hadn’t misread some of the signals he’d spotted from Dorian that he wasn’t averse to following orders. Dorian was the very essence of alpha male, and if he’d got this wrong, then Dorian might not be happy.

“Is that right?” Dorian licked his lips. “Does that mean I should do as I’m told?”

If he was only going to get one chance then he might as well have the full five-star fantasy. “I want you to fuck me but, as I said earlier, you need to be good and that means following orders.”

Dorian smirked—fuck he was a sexy bastard. “I take directions for a living, I’m pretty sure I will meet even your exacting standards.”

His cock throbbed at the words. “Strip off, don’t rush but no need to dawdle. I want to see just how much is real compared to the camera.”

Dorian shrugged off his jacket and laid it over the arm of a chair, his shoes were next, followed by his socks. Alex had never had a thing for feet but it appeared everything about Dorian was first-rate.

“I must say you are doing well. Cufflinks and shirt next.”

He did have a thing for well-muscled arms and that had been a huge part of his distraction seeing Dorian in the gym, but him peeling away his white shirt to give Alex the perfect view of him stripped to the waist made his mouth go dry. “Trousers, but leave your boxers on.”

“I’m not wearing any.”
