“What a catch.”

“I get the feeling I might have caught something from him If I’d been stupid enough to sleep with him, but I dodged that bullet.”

It dawned on him that Dorian would have slept with a lot more people than him, he could count all his sexual partners on one hand. An edge of uncertainty began to creep in, he wasn’t a bad fuck, he was sure of it, but no doubt he’d be mediocre compared to some of the guys Dorian had been with.

“Alex, is something wrong?”

He must have been quieter than he’d thought. “No, just lost in a moment.”

“I shouldn’t have mentioned sleeping with someone else, I broke the mood. I’m sorry.” He picked Alex’s hand and kissed his knuckles. “Forgive me?”

“There’s nothing to forgive. I was being silly.”

“Please tell me what’s bothering you.”

Annoyingly, there was no waiter arriving to rescue him from his embarrassment. He dropped his voice. “You’ve had a lot more partners than me. From what you said you’ve probably slept with more men this year than I have in total.”

“I’ve been tested if that’s your worry. And I’m not going to pressure you into anything.”

“It’s not that.” He now felt like he was being ridiculous. “If something were to happen later, I don’t want to be someone you’d forget in a hurry. Or remember me for the wrong reasons.”

“Given how hard you made me from a kiss, I can’t imagine that you’re anything but dynamite between the sheets.”

“I might get a bit bossy,” he admitted with a wince. One ex had found it a turn-off, but he couldn’t help it. Repressing his nature only made him worse.

“Oh, I fucking hope so.” Dorian glanced around and whispered. “Are you a bossy bottom? I’d be lying if I said I haven’t wanked off thinking about you like that.”

“Yes, pretty much,” Alex said with a squeak, a noise that surprised even him.

“You really are perfect.” Dorian pressed a kiss to the shell of his ear. “Only seven courses to go.”

The next course was something fishy but Dorian’s hand encroached up his thigh during the explanation of the dish and how the wine would pair with it, so he had no clue what was said. It tasted divine and the noises Dorian made were encouraging for post dinner activities.

He needed to rebalance and take back control, try to get through a few courses with less innuendo. “What’s been your favourite date of ours?” he asked.

“Excluding this, then the weekend in Norfolk. You loved being by the sea so much it was a joy to share that with you.”

“That strawberry ice cream we had was the best—I’ll never forget it.”

“Your favourite memory of the weekend is the ice cream?” Dorian laughed. “I’ve the picture your mum drew of us still. I might get it framed, and it’ll go in pride of place.”

Alex would love that, but it was a fantasy too far to believe, even with the date going so well he couldn’t risk the notion this could lead to anything permanent. After tonight he’d be back to being Alex the secretary, not DDB or the Boi Toi—which was another fan favourite and he’d been assured it was a positive mantle even though Alex thought it made him sound like a whoreish Ken doll.

“My mum keeps asking after you. You made the right impression by giving them biscuits.”

“I can’t imagine how badly behaved your other boyfriends were if that’s the standard I had to reach.”

He sipped the incredible white wine that had been poured to go with the next dish. “Apart from Yves, you’re the only one who’s met them.”

“Then I’m highly honoured.”

The courses kept coming, and between dishes Dorian was attentive and generous with his kisses and Alex couldn’t tell if it was the wine or his hormones that were making him giddy. All he knew was he didn’t want it to stop. Dorian’s hands on his thigh or waist felt as if they belonged and he wanted to know how they’d feel on his skin.

“Just pudding to go,” Alex said. “Is there somewhere you want to go afterwards? I’ll need to text the driver.”

“As if we’re going anywhere but the apartment. And when we get there I’m going to peel you out of your suit and feast in a whole other way.”

Alex was rarely speechless but Dorian had him so turned on that his words did not want to cooperate. It took several moments before he could answer. “You better live up to your own hype.”