Dorian was clearly pensive. “Is everything all right?”

He kept his voice low, but they weren’t near anyone and he didn’t think Dorian had been recognised yet. “Tonight’s our last date, and I would like to just have one date with you where I can pretend it’s real. Not an arrangement, not fake, just two people having dinner on a date…” He paused and took a breath. It was now or never. “Can I kiss you, properly?”

Dorian blinked. Alex thought he might get up and leave but then Dorian was leaning in and cupping his cheek. “I’d like nothing more.”

The kiss was soft, all gentle lips and perfect. Alex never wanted it to end. But Dorian pulled away, his thumb stroking his lower lip. “I knew you’d be a good kisser. And we’ll have several more of those over the evening.”

“I’m game if you are.”

Dorian shuffled closer, and Alex sat right against him. They’d sat like this before but he’d never felt as if he had the permission to enjoy it. If he had his way he would not let the evening end after dinner—he wanted to have the full Forbes experience, even if it was for only one night. Still pressed against Dorian, he sipped his drink.

“I can’t say I’m unhappy with how your date with Jez turned out,” Alex admitted. “You might have had to behave yourself.”

“Are you saying I don’t?”

Alex stared into Dorian’s eyes. “Not if you don’t want to.”

Dorian kissed him again. He was nowhere near as gentle, his arm snaking around Alex’s waist and holding him possessively. Alex loved it, loved the feeling of being held so close to show he was Dorian’s and no one else need even glance in his direction.

They broke apart. Alex aware they were in public and no matter how hard his cock was, they were going to have to get through dinner. “We should claim our table.”

“I’m going to need a minute, otherwise it’s going to be fucking obvious that the only thing I want to claim is you.”

Alex reached under the table and pressed his hand to Dorian’s crotch, the bulge made his mind spin about how Dorian would feel inside him. “If you are a very good boy, I might let you.”

Dorian let out a low growl and Alex smirked. He slid out from where they’d been sitting, needing a discreet wriggle to make himself comfortable as he stood.

He held out his hand. “Come on, darling.”

Dorian stood, winced, and pulled down on the front of his jacket. He took Alex’s hand. “This meal better be worth the torture.”

A waiter intercepted them and they were guided up a narrow flight of stairs to the first floor which had been turned into a restaurant with tables down one side facing an open kitchen where a team of young men were conducting a culinary dance preparing food.

They were given a corner table, Alex having requested one if available. Dropping Dorian’s name when making the booking which seemed to work, because he’d been recognised. The waiter presented them with menus, although there wasn’t an option as it was a tasting menu and the choice was with or without matching wine. Alex saw Dorian’s eyebrows rise.

“Alex, sweetheart, there are eight courses.”

“But they’ll only be small.” He bit his lip. “You will indulge me, won’t you.”

“Why do I think there is only one answer to that?”

Alex smiled and refused to look at him. “Because you are brighter then you look.” Dorian pinched him. The fucker. “Oi. That is not you being a good boy.”

Dorian leant in and whispered in his ear. “You have no idea how good I can be, but I would love to show you.”

Alex cleared his throat and fixed Dorian with his best stare. “Later.”

He loved the attention. In their earlier dates, Dorian had been great company but not like this, not with a hand on his thigh and a seductive grin.

The first course was three tiny tarts which were to be eaten with their fingers and Alex didn’t have to fake the moan, they tasted amazing. Maybe he didn’t have to suck his fingers quite so slowly afterwards but it was fun to torment Dorian.

“Tell me, just how awful was Jez?”

“There was nothing right about him. He wasn’t blond or beautiful.” Dorian stroked his cheek. “His eyes weren’t the sort of blue you could drown in.”

“Too old for you, I reckon.”

“Younger men are far better.” Dorian was a wonderful flirt. “Not to mention he was self-obsessed with the personality of a dried cum stain.”