He dug into a few questions on Rowan’s terms, and they were pretty much industry standard as far as he’d seen, nothing hidden and he seemed honest and upfront about what he could do. “I’ll be straight with you, Dorian. Theatre I know, TV is no issue, but my film contacts don’t run to the same extent. I do have some arthouse and independent connections, but we’re not talking like you’d have been used to in LA.”

“I’m not looking for film, in any guise, at least for a little while.”

“It’s not like you could never go back, dear boy.”

He liked Rowan, and while Alex would probably not approve of him going by a gut feeling he thought he’d found his new agent. “How about we give this a trial run, six months or a successful project? See if we can work with each other before heading into a long-term commitment?”

Alex spluttered. “Dorian, you should at least think things through a little.”

“I’ve got you for that, my sensible side will make sure I’m not taken advantage of.” He flashed Alex a smile and his cheeks pinked. “You’ll keep me safe.”

Rowan chuckled. “I’m game to suck it and see. Need some paperwork though, I’m a stickler for it and there’s a lot of bastards out there.”

“I would also insist that Mr Forbes engages his legal team,” Alex said, although his voice was no longer so high-pitched, which Dorian took as a good sign.

“How about you send me over a contract, it’ll give us both a few days to think over whether we’ll kill each other or not, and we can talk early next week?” Rowan suggested.

It all sounded very reasonable to Dorian. “Perfect.”

“Let me show you out,” Alex said.

Rowan levered himself out of the chair and shook hands with Dorian. “Speak to you soon.”

Alex led Rowan away and Dorian helped himself to a cup of tea from the pot he’d not touched. A few minutes later, Alex reappeared. “I do wish you’d taken a little more time to make your decision.”

“It’s my decision to make, Alex. At the end of the day, I’m the one searching for an agent.”

“I’m trying to help.”

“I do appreciate that, but the fact he didn’t piss me off out the gate means he’s better than any of the others.”

Alex pursed his lips, his stare steely. Dorian had to stop himself from letting his imagination get the better of him, as he could envisage Alex being quite the firecracker in bed.

“Fine. I’ll call your solicitors and get you an appointment for tomorrow.”

He was almost out of the door when Dorian called after him. “I’ll meet you at six in the entrance hall.”

Alex frowned. “Why?”

“We’re going to the gym, remember? You said it would be a good couples activity.”

“I didn’t agree to go tonight.”

Dorian smirked. “Oh yes you did. You said once the agent interviews were done you’d come with me. So kit on, gorgeous.”


Alex should have said no, and insisted on another day. But that would just be putting off the inevitable, and the Grange was a swanky health club with the kind of facilities he’d never get to experience otherwise. One summer he’d joined a gym after returning from an all-inclusive holiday having overdone it on pretty much everything, and it was a local authority leisure centre that wasn’t bad but didn’t boast the huge spaces of the Grange. Or the swimming pool. Or the spa. He’d lasted all of a week.

Dorian was ready in his shorts and tank top and, despite his moaning, he was getting out of shape, Alex saw no sign of it.

“Stop faffing, Alex,” Dorian said, bouncing from one foot to another. “We’ll start with some cardio and then a free weights circuit.”

“I don’t do weights.” He grabbed his towel and water bottle. “I might do some of the machines, but I’m not into exercise.”

“You just need to build the habit and you’ll be amazed how quickly you’ll come to love it.” He swatted Alex’s arse with his towel. “Move it.”

It had been months since he’d worn his trainers and even longer since he’d done exercise for the sake of it. He trudged after Dorian, who was far too perky for the end of the day.