“I can’t say I know him well, he’s been to the pub a couple of times since I started.” Alex wondered if Dorian had a crush on Simon, he was a nice enough-looking bloke. “Are you jealous of Robin?”
“Not in the way I think you mean. I’m not interested in Simon as anything but a friend—fuck could you imagine the fallout if I went after my ex’s new boyfriend?” Dorian laughed. “Robin would eviscerate me, no one would talk to me again. Not to mention Simon would be horrified I’d think he’d cheat with me on his partner.”
“It would be a momentous clusterfuck. I’m pretty sure somehow the press would find out and you’d be some gay homewrecking whore.” Alex snorted. “God, it would be awful yet hilarious… and to be frank you’d deserve what you got if it did happen.”
Dorian nudged him with his shoulder and Alex lost his balance and landed on his arse. “Oi. You big brute!”
Dorian lifted him to his feet and he found himself far too close and staring into Dorian’s eyes. “Sorry, I don’t seem to know my own strength.”
“I…” He wanted to kiss him. “There are people about.”
“Yeah, the perfect chance for a photo.”
That hadn’t been his thinking but had an excuse and he took it. He brushed his lips against Dorian’s, a whisper of a kiss that had his heart racing.
Then Dorian stepped away and Alex had to shake off how the barely-there kiss had made his head spin.
“We better hurry up. Or we’ll miss our reservation.”
Alex took a deep breath as he followed Dorian. He had to get through dinner yet. Pretending to be Dorian’s fake boyfriend was getting harder the more time they spent together. At this rate, at the end of the three months he’d be head over heels for him, and there was no way this could end well.
* * *
Dinner had been nice, and they caught a cab home. Dorian was still in an introspective mood and they’d spent the morning on a walk. Some of the people they passed had recognised Dorian, and he was sure there were a few unobtrusive photos taken.
The doorbell rang. As far as Alex knew they weren’t expecting anybody. “Did you order something to be delivered?”
Dorian shook his head. “No.”
“I’ll go see who it is. Maybe it’s a neighbour or someone who’s broken down.” He was dubious as Dorian had posted a couple of pictures on Instagram, meaning there was an off chance an eagle-eyed fan could have identified the location.
He opened the front door, intending to be polite but firm. “Mum? Dad? What are you doing here?”
“We recognised where you were from the picture you uploaded in the family WhatsApp group and we thought we’d come up and see you.” She peered around him. “And your new boyfriend.”
She didn’t give him time to react and marched past him into the entrance hall, his dad following in her wake.
Dorian appeared. “Is everything all right?”
“Oh, you must be Dorian!”
Alex watched in horror as she hurried up to him.
Dorian looked to him for an explanation. “Dorian, these are my parents. Alice and George. They tracked me down from a photo I shared and decided to pop in.”
“It was no trouble, we’re only twenty miles up the road.”
He hoped Dorian believed him and that he didn’t think he’d invited them. “Then please come on through. I’ll make us some coffee,” Dorian said, smiling.
Alex herded them into the sitting room as Dorian went off to the kitchen. “What are you doing here? You can’t just turn up uninvited.”
George chuckled. “Well, you weren’t going to invite us, and your mum wanted to meet your new chap.”
“I’d have brought him home when I was ready. Not have you foist yourselves on him.”
Alice tutted. “Don’t be silly. You never bring home your boyfriends.”