Ben was relieved that Ashley had decided to have a nanny. The estate kept him busy, and Ashley wanted to go back to work, but they would both still worry over Davy. They were in a lucky position to be able to afford personal childcare, but most parents wouldn’t have the option.

“Good idea.”

“I suppose I overreacted a bit at the auction as well. I’m really sorry. If you want to do it, then it’s okay.”

Ben knew that Ashley would prefer he didn’t. “To be honest, I don’t particularly have any burning desire to do it either. But Mel is a capricious creature—If I do manage to escape, I will have to find a replacement.”

“Dorian owes you lots of favours…”

Ben wondered why he hadn’t thought of him off the bat. “He might not be ready to do that though.”

“If he’s able to fake date your secretary in public, why not a bachelor auction to raise money for a good cause?”

“I can ask, but I’m not sure he’ll be willing.”

“If you can’t find someone, I will cope and send you out for the evening in a chastity belt. Talking of enforced chastity.” Ashley licked his lips and stepped closer again. “We’ve probably got an hour or so before Elena’s back.”

“I could run you a bath.”

Ashley grabbed his hand and pulled him along, towards the door. “Only if you’re getting in it with me.”


Alex watched the waves break across the beach. He loved the sea, it calmed him and brought with it a serenity nothing else could manage. Dorian was inside the house making a couple of calls and Alex had taken a blanket and a book, deciding an hour or so of reading would be a great way to kick off the weekend. He took a couple of photos and added them to the family WhatsApp group, knowing his dad had a similar love for the sea as he did. The last few weeks had been busy. Ben had asked him to investigate potential childcare providers and the number of options were baffling. Then there’d been dates with Dorian and a couple of trips back to Norfolk to ensure the repairs were going well at his parents’ house. A few days by the sea were just what he needed.

Dorian dropped down next to him on the blanket. “This is a lovely spot. I could get used to somewhere like this.”

“I thought you said you had a beachside property.”

“I do. Both that and the LA properties are being put up for sale. I never spent enough time at the Malibu place to justify it.”

He’d have loved to have lived by the sea. He’d spent his childhood visiting various parts of the Norfolk coast and some of his best memories came from those holidays. “I think I’d have never left if I had a place in Malibu.”

“I know the weather’s worse here, but there’s something special about the British coastline. I might even take your advice have look into a second house by the sea.”

“I didn’t think you have a main place yet,” Alex said. “Unless you count your London apartment.”

“That’s just a crash pad.”

He’d never been in a position to buy and now his current job meant he didn’t have the need to. “I know we touched on this before, but if you’re serious we could add property searches to your to-do list. Once you’ve narrowed it down a bit. I’m not randomly searching half the country for houses for you.”

“I’m in no hurry to leave Crofton Hall.” He stared out at the ocean. “I’m beginning to feel like the real me, but I’m still very much a work in progress.”

Alex thought Dorian was being too hard on himself. “Aren’t we all? Not all of us are ever fully baked.”

“I love that about you, you’re so unjudgmental.”

He wasn’t prepared to hear Dorian say the L-word in relation to him, even if it wasn’t meant in any deep romantic sense. A pang of want fizzled through him, beyond the sexual pull he’d already experienced towards Dorian. “Yes, well, I don’t have the right to judge anyone else.”

“That doesn’t stop a lot of people doing it.”

Dorian smiled and he couldn’t stop staring at his lips. The rules allowed a quick peck in public but so far they’d had no call for it, and Alex had to admit it didn’t seem enough and he’d like a deeper taste.

Dorian got to his feet and Alex wished he’d had the nerve to lean in and take what he wanted. Dorian offered his hand. “Come on. I’ve booked us dinner in a local gastropub and according to Google we can easily walk to it.”

Alex grabbed Dorian’s hand and let him pull him to his feet. He was surprised Dorian didn’t let go and he made no move to free his hand. “I didn’t realise we were going out tonight.”

“I was going to get something delivered, but I thought, after you said how much you loved the sea, you might appreciate a stroll and when I was looking for a path, this place popped up. Is that all right?”