The door to the office flung open and a man about his own age charged in with a crying baby. His glasses were askew and he looked like he really needed sleep. “Ben, you have to take Davy. Oh, fuck! Sorry, I thought you were done.”

Ben was on his feet. “Never mind. Ashley, this is Alex, my new secretary.”

Ashley was close to tears, reminding Alex of his older brother when he’d first become a father. Davy had a powerful set of lungs on him but once he was in his other daddy’s arms, he seemed to quieten.

“I didn’t mean to interrupt. Don’t let this put you off. It’s not normally this bad.”

Alex had a sneaking suspicion this might not be the worst of it, but compared to being at home, it was a paradigm of calm and serenity.


Dorian couldn’t remember the last time he’d flown coach, but it was great camouflage as he barely garnered a second glance, and he suspected it was because no one would think Dorian Marsten would fly anything but first. They would have a point, but he was Dorian Forbes now, and some of the thoughts he’d had of late made him think that he might be Forbes from here on in.

He’d spent most of the five hours reading with his headphones in but he’d needn’t have worried, because the guy in the next seat played on his phone, with no interest in him. Ben’s flight should have landed thirty minutes before his, but he would have to clear US immigration whereas domestic arrivals was a relative breeze, even with a couple of checked bags, so all being well they’d be ready about the same time. Robin had offered to send separate cars but Dorian had liked the idea of being able to spend a little time just with Ben.

He waited at arrivals for Ben to appear, having clocked a driver waiting with a sign forRedbournand he knew he was grinning like a loon as he spotted Ben, ever graceful and didn’t look like he’d just got off a transatlantic flight.

“Hey, Ben!”

Ben’s smile of recognition made him light up and they exchanged a hug. It was so good to see him. Dorian had missed Ben, they used to get together more often before he’d settled down, and Ashley was great for him, even if he wasn’t what he’d call Dorian’s biggest fan. “Look at you, all grown up and out of the closet.”

“Ha, fucking, ha,” he said, letting go and giving Ben a friendly punch on the arm. “Let’s get our ride.”

They were shown to a Daimler and their bags stowed. Once in the back with the privacy screen up, Dorian relaxed. He’d been carrying a lot of nervous energy for days, and now it was just him and Ben, he felt able to let some of it go.

“Don’t take this the wrong way Dorian, but I’m surprised how well you look. I was half expecting you to be a hot mess.”

“I’m not sure that isn’t to come. I’ve deliberately stayed off the booze and been curating every message that wasn’t from you, Robin or Jenny.”

“Reality is going to bite sooner or later. You’re going to need to decide what you’re going to do.”

“Yeah, well, I’ve had months to think about that. I might not have gone through with the glacial coming out plan Zak wanted, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been considering my future. Including a change of management.” He’d not said that part out loud, but after several conversations over the last few months it was the only logical outcome. “I need someone who’ll support the real me.”

Ben squeezed his thigh. “I’ve said it before—Zak and Marisa were brilliant for your career but not for you. You can build a team that’ll support your future dreams, without a load of history.”

“In theory, I’ve six months until my next project starts. But I’m not convinced it’ll go ahead, there’s a few emails on the subject in my inbox I’m refusing to read at the moment but I wouldn’t be surprised if the studio wanted to recast.”

“Can they do that?”

“Bad press clause, they can claim me coming out could be detrimental to the future box office sales—I don’t particularly want a fight over it.”


No doubt he’d be asked to issue a statement with some insipid reasoning that would boil down to a mutual agreement not to go ahead. “I’m kinda sick of Hollywood, and you know I was thinking of coming home to the UK. Maybe doing some theatre work.”

“Are you asking for my advice?”

“There’s no one I trust more.”

“I think you’re right. A change of pace, a different type of role, is a great idea. You’re a great actor, I don’t think you’ve used your skills to your full ability.”

Ben had always had a gift for saying the right things. Sometimes Dorian hadn’t wanted to hear it, but Ben had never steered him wrong. “I’ll probably look for a house somewhere in London, then move over once I’ve a base.”

“You know you’re welcome at Crofton Hall.”

He hadn’t wanted to impose. Ben already had Robin as a houseguest, and he wasn’t sure them both being under his roof was the best idea. “What about Robin?”

“What about him? He’s got a few months still out in the US, and if he knows what’s good for him, he’ll finally get his finger out and buy somewhere in the UK. He’s been making noises about setting up home with Simon and if he doesn’t make good on it sooner than later I don’t think Simon’s going to be too impressed.”