“Jeans as well.”

Dorian handed him a pair of black jeans. He’d accepted that he didn’t have the wardrobe to play the part of a bit of totty to a movie star but hadn’t expected Dorian to be so happy dressing him up like a doll. “You don’t have to choose my clothes, I’m perfectly capable of picking them. It’s paying for them that’s the problem.”

“Sorry, it’s just kinda fun.” Dorian stroked the front of a deep red T-shirt. “I’ve never got to do this with a boyfriend before, and you’re a nice-looking bloke, so it’s cool.”

Alex didn’t quite know how to react to the compliment and decided not to address it. “I suppose I can allow it. But you’re not to go overboard.”

He wasn’t sure what Dorian’s definition of going overboard would constitute and headed to the changing room. The jeans were more than a thousand pounds so he decided it was best not to read the price tags on the other items in case he swallowed his tongue. He might never get the opportunity to splurge on clothes like this again. He tended to save for his suits for work and his casual wardrobe wasn’t of the calibre to move in Dorian’s circles.

The jeans were on the border of being too snug, the cut close but weren’t too tight. It was a good style for him. He heard Dorian chatting to the boutique manager as he opened the door.

“Well?” he asked.

Dorian looked him up and down and smirked. “Very nice… turn around.”

He did as he was told and was surprised to see Dorian had moved closer, placing a hand on his hip. It was within the bounds of their agreement but Alex realised how unprepared he was for the situation. Dorian smelt so good and he wasn’t blind. “Glad you approve.”

“There’s a few more here I’ve picked out, but to be honest, you have to wear this tonight.”

Dorian squeezed his hip and stepped away. The manager handed Alex several other pieces and Alex decided not to argue. “I could probably do with some shoes…”

“How about a pair of dress loafers and something more casual?” asked the manager who probably couldn’t believe her luck, as he was pretty sure she’d be getting a hefty commission, or at least a bonus.

“Sure. Size tens, please.”

She scurried off and Dorian pulled on the front of his shirt. “Honestly, I thought you were hot in a suit, but those jeans deserve an award.”

“Thanks—I think.”

“Hey, come on, take the compliment.”

Dorian hadn’t become a leading Hollywood man by looking as if he’d been hit by a bag of bricks, his natural sex appeal was off the charts and he was as charismatic as they came. Alex needed to retreat before he did something stupid.

The manager returned with two pairs of shoes.

“I’ll try the rest on,” he said.

“Want help with the buttons?” Dorian asked with a wink.

The manager made an excitable squeaking noise and he guessed she was stoked to be one of the first to see Dorian flirting with his boyfriend.

Two could play at that game. “You get to help with me taking them off later.”

He didn’t wait for Dorian to reply and hightailed it back to his dressing room, taking a deep breath as he locked the door behind him. The problem was Dorian pressed buttons Alex wanted to be pressed. He could imagine Dorian being strong and powerful in bed, would be able to follow directions and be determined to ensure his lover’s pleasure, and it had been a while since he’d had a competent lover. Thinking like this was not sensible. He didn’t do casual, he’d tried and failed when he was younger, and there was no way he could enjoy a nibble of the cherry like Dara had suggested without wanting to consume it whole. Dorian didn’t want him for a long-term partner, he wanted a distraction for Robin and Simon. Dorian must obviously still care for Robin if he was willing to do this, and Alex wondered if any man would live up to his ex. And as a future billionaire and viscount, Robin Flint was the mother of all exes.

Dorian’s cackle jolted him out of his thoughts and he tried on several more things. Unfortunately, Dorian had a great eye for clothes and he had to admit they all suited him, and several of them he’d have never picked for himself.

He poked his head around the door. “Sorry, did you want to head straight out? If we’re not heading back, I could change into your favourites.”

Dorian smiled. “I’ll come in to supervise. I’m sure Dee will bag up what you decide on taking and arrange for them to be delivered.”

As Dorian pushed his way into the changing room, all of a sudden the space seemed two sizes smaller. He leant in. “Can we play up to this? Both of us look a little hot and bothered when we leave?”

“I guess if we are in the first throes of passion, then we shouldn’t be able to keep our hands off each other. Let me get changed and I can mess up the buttons.”

Dorian sat in the chair in the corner of the dressing room. Alex tutted. “Turn around.”

“Oh come on.”