He almost snorted his coffee up his nose. “I suppose that is one way of putting it.”

“Yeah, well, it’s causing some ripples and I don’t like that it might hurt someone who I already did enough damage to.” He smiled sadly. “Robin doesn’t deserve the fallout. As you said there’s all sorts of shit already on the internet, and I don’t even know the half of it as I usually avoid social media like the plague. I took some of the apps off my phone on the flight back.”

“That’s completely understandable. I assume you have a team looking after various accounts for you.”

“I did. For now, I’ve just ignored them.”

Alex didn’t think that was a good idea. “You might want to do something about that. Silence on the matter could be seen as support.”

Dorian huffed. “Yeah, I get that. The thing is I don’t want to be that person any longer, and I have some nebulous thoughts on what to do next, but I need to deal with the normal stuff that anyone would have to do.”

“Such as?”

“Making appointments with my lawyers, tax advisors, and other people who can help. I do need a car, and to change my driving license back to a UK one… see, boring stuff and I don’t know where to start.”

“I can definitely help there. I had one boss relocate so I put together various checklists, I still have my templates and I reckon we can adapt for your needs.” Alex felt far more comfortable now he could see how Dorian wanted to find his feet to start with and how he could support. “I’ll set up a spreadsheet you can review and we can start working through the tasks. We can also work up a list for things that normal people wouldn’t have to think about.”

“I’ll need a new manager and agent—that I have decided, but I don’t need someone just yet. Then all the social media stuff as well.” He smiled. “Thank you. I know you’re busy, so I’ll try not to be the usual demanding A-list arsehole.”

“Try that on me and I won’t help. Respect is a two-way street and needs to be earnt. I know you’re a movie star, but I should warn you I’ve never seen a thing you’ve been in, nor wish to.”

Dorian grinned. “That’s great.”

Alex didn’t know how to answer that and was saved by his phone ringing. He checked the caller ID. It was his mum, it had been the third time she’d tried to call, he turned it off knowing from the text messages she’d also sent that it wasn’t important. “Sorry about that. So give me a day or so and we can grab some time and work out a schedule. I can also help manage your inbox if you want?”

“Oh, I might take you up on that. I’m kinda ignoring as much as I can, but it’s probably secondary at the moment.”

“Let’s get you set up and feeling more stable then we can see what I can do.”

A soft cough behind them alerted them to Karl standing in the doorway. “Apologies for intruding, gentleman. Mr Reynolds, your mother called. She was worried you weren’t answering your phone.”

Alex groaned. “Thank you, Mr Vinter. I’ll call her later.”

He saw the smirk Karl was trying to hide, he could only imagine what she’d said. “She was quite insistent, and colourful in her description of what she might do if you were to wait too much longer.”

While mortifyingly embarrassing, it did give him the chance to retreat. “I’d best go and see what she wants.”

Dorian waved him away with a chuckle and Alex followed Karl back inside. “Sounds like your mum is a bit of a character.”

He sighed. Karl had no idea. His dad was one too. There were days he thought, or maybe he wished, he was adopted.


Dorian hadn’t met Simon, although he’d heard so much about him, and he’d seen pictures. Simon had never struck him as anything special in terms of his appearance—attractive in an understated way, but not in Robin’s league. He had to remind himself before he entered the dining room where Robin and Simon were already waiting, that Robin hadn’t left him for Simon. Robin had left him because Dorian was a closeted twat who hadn’t respected Robin’s wishes or needs.

Dorian took a deep breath and opened the door. He was fucking Dorian Forbes, the darling of the silver screen, with countless adoring fans, he should not feel nervous or threatened by his ex-partner’s boyfriend.

Robin gave him a look as he entered, a look he’d had directed at him repeatedly over the six years they were together. The message was clear, behave or tonight would not end well for him.

Ben and Ashley were seated at one end and Ben’s mother at the other, he’d always had a soft spot for Elena, probably because she loved to embarrass Ben as often as possible. Chris and Dara were seated opposite Robin and Simon, and Catlin, Ben’s little sister was also in the mix, leaving an open seat for him opposite Robin.

“Hi, I’m Simon.” He stood and held out his hand to Dorian. “Pleasure to meet you.”

They shook hands. “Likewise.”

Simon had pale blue eyes, a rare colour, yet they were warm and devoid of malice. It suddenly struck him why Robin was so smitten. Simon had no reason to be petty or discontent, he held himself with self-assurance and it was an attractive image. Or he was a bloody good actor.

“Oh, it’s the ex and the current beau,” cried Chris, as if he’d just realised.