Chris smacked Dara’s arm. “Now look what you’ve done. He thinks we’re horrible people who wouldn’t help our soon-to-be new friend.”

Dara rubbed his arm. “For such a scrawny arsehole, you don’t half pack a punch.”

He wasn’t sure what was the relationship between Chris and Dara, they were close, possibly boyfriends, but he didn’t have time to think more on it as Val herded them all to pick up one of the boxes or bags from the boot of Alex’s car. “Stop your yacking. Sooner we’re done the sooner we can get to the pub.”

Dara made anooufas he picked up a rucksack. “Bloody hell, what have you got in here? Your collection of antique iron horseshoes?”

“Nothing so exciting. Documents mainly, and a few personal things from home. Sentimental things.”

Sex toys and such that could not remain at his parents’ house, not after finding his mum using a new vibrator he’d bought on the highest setting to whip cream.

“Ah, well, I can understand that well enough. My mam visited from Ireland a few months back, she drove over taking the ferry, meaning I’m now the proud owner of a box of my toy cars, action figures and a whole load of shite she wanted out of her attic.”

Alex laughed. “Mine’s the other way. I’m not sure I’d be allowed my toys even if I wanted them. She used my old Action Man figures in a piece of installation art.”

“So she’s an artist?”

“After a fashion.” He wasn’t sure how to describe his family. He loved them, but they were a bit odd at times. “More of a non-conformist than an artist. She made it for a protest she was going on. Although she does do commissions.”

“Sounds like a right character.” Dara smirked. “Do you take after her?”

“Not really. Or my dad. I think they were surprised how I turned out. I’m not as much of a free-thinking, independent spirit as they are.”

“Sounds like my mum,” Val said fondly. “She called me Valerian after her favourite flower. Hippy type, bless her soul. But definitely a few seeds short of a packet.”

“I’m named after Alexander the Great. Pity I didn’t manage to conquer Persia by the time I was twenty-five.”

“Hard name to live up to,” Chris said. “Mind you, if you can get Ben back into some sort of order then you’re on your way. We’d even consider making you an honorary Archive Dragon.”

“Do I get a badge?”


Dara groaned. “Stop encouraging him. We’re not a secret society—we’re historians.”

He didn’t have that much stuff, and he could unpack at his leisure the next day, so a couple of trips later and they were done. Chris and Dara were an interesting pair and he’d settled on thinking they were together. Val was a great bloke—Karl was a lucky man.

“Right. We’re done,” Alex said. “Where’s this pub? First round and dinner’s on me.”

“About fifteen minutes’ walk into the village,” Val said. “And I wouldn’t say no to the offer. It’s a couple of days the wrong side of payday so I was going to have leftover pasta again, which is getting a bit chewy.”

“Oh, Val, I’m sure Mrs Weather wouldn’t see you go hungry,” Chris said as they set off. “I’ll tell you what, I’ll save you my afternoon cake.”

Val shook his head. “I’m all right. Just this month’s come with a couple of extra bills and I usually have dinner a few evenings a week with Karl, but he’s been busy helping Ashley. It’ll get back to normal soon enough.”

“What’s Karl helping Ashley with?” Alex asked.

“Some of the wedding business, and baby stuff. Not sure Ashley was as ready for fatherhood as he thought,” Val said. “Mind you, I’d never be ready. I’m happy enough with my plants, having to deal with mini-humans would finish me off.”

Chris tutted. “Baby Davy is adorable. I hope to be a daddy soon.”

Alex was walking between Dara and Chris, they seemed an odd couple but fond of each other so maybe they’d make it work.

“No chance,” snorted Dara. “Sticky fingers on books and stinky nappies. I’m not the paternal type.”

Or maybe they wouldn’t be able to make it work. Children, and whether to have them, wasn’t a topic that should be discussed lightly. “I think you two should probably agree one way or another, it must be difficult not wanting the same family dynamic. Good to talk it out before you wake up years later and there’s regrets.”

Dara laughed and made a kissy face at Chris. “Hey, honey, you want to have my babies?”