Zak knocked back his drink. “All right. For old times’ sake.”

The party was in a club, Gail having hired the whole place for the evening. “There’s an office we can use.”

On paper his parting company with his US-based management team had been affable with no hint of animosity on either side, but since his arrival in LA two days ago Dorian had answered anyone who’d asked with a wry smile and allusions to being better off out. He wasn’t stupid enough to spread rumours himself.

“So you here to apologise for running off and dumping me?” Zak said, smirking as they entered the small office.

“You’re fucking joking right? Not even you think you’re the victim in this.”

“Dorian, I know you think coming out and prancing about with your new boy toy will make you the darling of La La Land, but the reality is, you’re finished for the big screen. And what you achieved is because I pushed you every step of the way.”

“I don’t deny you were instrumental in my career, and you made a lot of money from it too. But you also manipulated me for a long time, to make sure the cash cow kept delivering the goods.”

Zak snorted. “Cry more. You were more than happy to go along with it and rake in the money too.”

“You knew I wanted to come out and you should have supported it. But that’s not what I give a shit about anymore. You’re right that I could and should have been more of a master of my own destiny, but it’s what you did after that’s the nail in your fucking coffin.”

“What exactly are you threatening me with?” He sneered and Dorian knew he had no other way to react.

“My relationship with Robin was firmly under wraps, until it wasn’t. And I know it was you who spread it about.”

“What does it matter? You’re out, the truth’s out… it’s a non-issue.”

“I’m pretty sure Simon MacLove didn’t think being knifed in the stomach a non-issue. If you hadn’t leaked that me and Robin were together then it wouldn’t have happened.”

Zak scowled. “Hardly my fault.”

“Indirectly, you’re to blame. And you’ll pay for it.”

“Fucking listen to yourself. You’re not important anymore—you never really were. The talent swans around thinking it’s irreplaceable but you can’t do shit to me.”

Dorian turned as the door was pushed open wider and Robin appeared. “But he can.”

Zak rolled his eyes. “Maybe one day, but Baby Flint hasn’t got any claws.”

“You’ve always been a massive arsehole,” Robin said. He sauntered in and perched on the desk. “But reputation is everything, and I intend to ensure yours is going to be shit-smeared.”

“I should have gotten rid of you years ago, but Dorian stuck to his little friend. You spout your bullshit but what can you do?”

Robin laughed. “You’re labouring under the impression that it’s only me in the Flint family you need to worry about. My father adores Simon, some days more than me, and when I told him what you’d done he was… not pleased.”

Zak’s expression changed in an instant, shuttered and stern. “Claude Flint has better things to do than bother with the likes of me.”

Dorian could see Zak was worried, and so he should be. Robin’s father was beyond wealthy, and his influence snaked into every corner. Flint Industries covered many sectors and Claude could deliver favours to people not possible by anyone else. “Flints are loyal, and there is nothing more important than family. Unfortunately for you, your actions endangered Claude Flint’s future son-in-law.”

Robin didn’t need to elaborate further, Zak had got the message.

“Come on, Dorian,” Robin said, stood up straight and clapped him on the shoulder. “How about a few Slammer Royales for old time’s sake?”

They wandered back to the rest of the party, happy to leave Zak to wallow in his misery. Dorian didn’t feel sorry for him, Zak had made millions off him and his other clients, he wasn’t going to end up on the street but at least he wouldn’t get richer.

Robin stopped and Dorian realised he was watching Simon and Alex chatting. “You know, it should be odd, us double dating, but it doesn’t feel it.”

Dorian smiled. “I’d like to think we’re friends now, and we’ve managed to get ourselves a couple of decent partners.”

“Alex is perfect for you. He’s got Ben in order which even Ashley didn’t succeed with and he had other ways of making Ben do what he was told.”

“Appears I like being bossed about by blonds.”