Ben was struck by the lack of malice on both sides, as if they’d reached the mythological stage of friends after a relationship.

Simon laughed then winced and he saw the brief look of panic on Robin’s face. Simon shook his head. “Before you even open your mouth, I’m fine. This is my first night out in forever and I’m good. Honestly.”

“I worry.”

“I’d noticed.”

Ben watched as Ashley got out of his seat and came around to his side of the table. He placed his hand on Ben’s shoulder and leant in close. “I thought I’d mention we have a babysitter for the night and Alex booked us a room at a nearby hotel.”

“You should take the opportunity to inspect your recent gift.”

Ashley kissed him. “I’ve ordered a taxi. We’re out of here.”

“Have I told you lately how much I love you?”

“Not since this morning, but you can make it up to me.”

Ben let Ashley pull him to his feet and to the background of cat calls they left. A night for just the two of them wasn’t to be sniffed at, but he’d be equally glad to be with Davy in the morning at Crofton Hall. Back home. A place where he had his family both blood and found, and he’d never been happier and life couldn’t get better.


The private investigator had gathered enough evidence to satisfy Dorian that it was Zak behind the leaking of the information around Dorian’s previous involvement with Robin. Marisa was off the hook, and of the two she’d never been the main instigator of Dorian staying in the closet so he’d decided he’d concentrate his efforts on Zak.

The party was in full swing, and he had forgotten how much of these events involved nodding, smiling and not pissing someone off, but since Gail had thought to invite him to her thirtieth party bash along with half of Hollywood it seemed a perfect opportunity to visit Los Angeles and let Zak know the whole world of shit he was in.

“Dorian, it is simply marvellous that you’re here!”

Dorian tightened his grip on Alex’s waist. He plastered on his fakest, widest smile as he couldn’t for the life of him remember the name of the woman who had greeted him. “Darling, it’s been forever.”

“Who’s fault is that? You scurry off to England, find yourself a delicious young man.” She looked Alex up and down. “And go into hiding in a stately home.”

He spotted Zak talking to a studio exec, slickly styled as usual, and carrying the silver fox vibe to perfection. Zak had always been a bit of an arrogant bastard, and Dorian didn’t think he’d realised Dorian was here. “Needs must. But you have to forgive me but I need to speak to Gail, wish her a happy birthday.”

Without waiting for an answer he guided Alex away.

He was doing his best not to yawn. “Sorry, jet lag is still kicking my arse.”

“After tonight we can do anything you like. Enjoy your holiday.”

Alex smiled. “You know I’m happy to be here. I quite like getting the WTF gazes of some folks when they realise I’m DDB.”

The last couple of months had been wonderful and after he’d got this evening out of the way he had a decadent holiday planned to spoil Alex rotten around closing up some of his US-based loose ends.

“I think my fans are beginning to love you more than me.”

“I doubt that. But you know it’s only your love I care about.”

“Good job I adore you then.” Dorian pressed a brief kiss to his lips. “I’m going to round up our friend and deal with the trash, and then I’m all yours.”

“I will top up my glass. I’m sure you won’t be long.”

He saw his opportunity as Zak was now on his own—it wouldn’t be for long. Zak spotted him as he approached. “Dorian.”

“Do you have a minute?”

“I thought you said everything you had to say through your legal team.”

Dorian crossed his arms over his chest. “Two minutes in private and we’ll be done.”