Dorian slid him a glass of champagne. “Get that down you, looks like you need it.”

“Besides, I didn’t buy Ben for Ashley as a thanks for looking after you,” Robin said smiling at Simon. “I recall it was more like a dowry.”

Simon rolled his eyes. “It was most certainly not.”

The use of Simon’s surname in the bid suddenly became more significant although there would be no chance in hell Robin would change his name from Flint. “Hang on,” Ben said. “Have you something to share with the rest of the class?”

Robin reached over and took Simon’s hand. “After our families, you lot are the first to know. I asked Simon to marry me and the daft fucker said yes.”

“I have no idea what I was thinking. It must be the influence of the meds.”

“Simon, that’s no way for a future Flint to talk.”

Simon snorted. “I’m not changing my name any more than you are. Knob.”

The way Robin smiled made Ben think that Robin had not given up on that conversation yet.

“Congratulations, are you planning on a long engagement?” Alex asked.

Dorian laughed. “I fucking doubt it.”

“Piss off, Forbes,” Robin shot back. “Not too lengthy. We were thinking by the end of the year.”

“Oh, I thought…” Alex stopped himself. “Never mind.”

“No, no, Alex. What were you going to say?” Robin asked.

“Well, it’s a famous story that your parents met and married within a couple of months, I sort of assumed once you were engaged it would be the same.”

Simon’s eyes narrowed. “Christmas is quite soon enough.”

“He has got a point, Simon. My father did make a comment that the sooner the better as far as he was concerned, and if we manage it before the end of October you’ll still either be on medical leave or lighter hours so it would be easier to organise.”

Ben held his breath, he wasn’t sure how Simon would take this. Ashley had said Simon had been worried about Robin’s commitment to their relationship but had also been on the overbearing side and he didn’t know where this particular nugget would land.

“We can talk about it later.”

Ben smirked into his glass of champagne, better make sure he kept his calendar clear for October because there was going to be a wedding. “I take it you’ll get married at Fairbanks?”

Simon rolled his eyes. “As if anywhere else could compete with the Flint ancestral home. At least it’ll keep the numbers down.”

“For the ceremony and wedding breakfast, yes. But there’ll be an additional event to celebrate with a wider audience.”

By the expression on Simon’s face this was news to him. “What?”

Ashley laughed. “You’re marrying into the Flints. I mean Ben showed off as much as he could for our wedding, but compared to what the billionaire Claude Flint will do for his son and heir it’ll be nothing.”

“I think I’ve changed my mind. Or we can elope.”

Robin kissed his hands. “No, darling. I need to completely obliterate all memories of your previous marriage, and so we’re going to start as I mean to go on.”

Dorian leant over to Alex. “I had a lucky escape.”

“I heard that!” called Robin. “I won’t say the best thing I ever did was leaving you, but it’s up there in the top five.”

Dorian winked at Alex and then smiled at Robin. “You know what, I agree with you. I might not have a year ago, but you did us both a favour and I don’t think I’ve ever thanked you for it.”

“I daresay you’ll get an invitation to the wedding.”