Page 87 of Stolen Vows

“Then date me.”

I lift a brow. “Non-exclusively?”

“Anything that you want.”

“I think you’re lying, Mr. De Luca.” Slowly, I climb into his lap, straddling his thighs, unable to keep my distance for another moment. I’ve missed him too much. “I think you’ll tell me anything for that second chance.”

“You’re right. But I’m not lying.” He palms my ass and hauls my body into his. “We can be non-exclusive for a while. Just know that I’ll never look at another woman, and any man who glances your way will find himself in a shallow grave, so don’t expect many offers for a date.”

A grin splits my face. “There’s the Roman De Luca that I know.” I trail my thumb down this jawline, my heart breaking for him all over again. “You’ve been through hell. So have I. And I understand you so much better now. Thank you for opening up to me, it’s all I ever wanted.”

“I’m so sorry for what I put you through these past few weeks. I would have come sooner but I needed to have this out of the way first. And I’m sorry that I couldn’t open up until I realized I’d lost you. I’m a fool.”

“You hurt me, Roman, a lot, but I don’t think you ever truly lost me because even though I should have, I never stopped loving you. You stole my heart, and I haven’t been able to find it without you.”

His open gaze searches my face, seeking my sincerity. “You mean it. You love me. Does that mean you’ll give us a chance?”

“Yes. But I do want to start over. A clean slate. No assumptions.”

“Then you shall have it. When can I take you out on our first date? Tonight?”

“How about right now?”

“Perfect.” He spears his fingers into my hair and pulls me in for a mind melting, toe curling kiss. A perfect start to our first date.



The town car pulls up to the Pontrelli house so that I can collect Sophia for our thirty-ninth date. In the last six weeks, we’ve had a date night, or afternoon, several times a week. Everything from fancy dinners to catching a matinee.

It’s been the best month and a half of my life.

My knock on the front door is answered by Mr. Pontrelli, who narrows his eyes in greeting. At least he’s finally dispensed with the death threats—those lasted three whole weeks. We eventually had to sit down and talk, man to man. During that conversation, I gave him express permission to kill me if I ever break his daughter’s heart again. I made sure Baron understood as well, given that he’s my insurance policy against such things.

Then we fought over who gets to pay for Sophia’s college. In the end we settled on a fifty-fifty arrangement. Neither of us was thrilled by that decision, but we both knew the other would never back down.

Now, I’m pretty sure Pontrelli’s biding his time, waiting for me to fuck up again so he can pull the trigger. Unfortunately for him, I’m not going to. Ever. His daughter’s the center of my universe and at some point, he’ll come to realize that.

“Good evening,” I drawl.

His glare deepens.

“Roman!” Sophia races down the stairs, a vision in blue jeans and a crimson silk top. I told her tonight would be casual. “Bye, Papa.” She kisses her father’s cheek on the way out the door.

I open the car door, letting her inside before I climb in. “Continue to our destination,” I tell the driver, missing Enzo and his quiet efficiency. He never had to be told when to stop and start the car. It’s strange not having him around anymore after so many years of service.

“And where is our destination?” Sophia asks, wrapping her arms around mine.

“You will just have to wait and see once we arrive.”

“So mysterious,” she teases.

“Yes.” It’s meant to be a surprise, so hopefully she’ll like it.

Sophia’s made it clear that she wants to fully experience college, including living in the dorms, so that’s what she’s getting. I just hope she likes what I’ve done with the place.

Either she’ll love it, or she’ll tell me I overstepped. We’ll see.