Page 75 of Stolen Vows

“Did you ID who took her?”

“No. They wore masks. Without the van we can’t try to get prints or DNA.”

“What about the plates?”

“I ran them. It’s a rental under the name Peter McDonald, a dentist from New Jersey. I’m going with a case of stolen identity on this one.”

“Fuck!” I slam the car door closed. “We have absolutely nothing to go on.”

I spear my fingers through my hair. Knowing Sophia’s out there, somewhere, in danger is killing me. Literally. I can feel my heart failing, my lungs refuse to take in sufficient air, and I’m both too hot and too cold.

Ineedto find her.

I’ve been a goddamn fool for not telling her how much she means to me. How much I adore the ground she walks on. How much I fuckingloveher.

Now it’s too late.

No. It can’t be too late. I’m going to get her back.

“We’ll keep looking,” Baron’s voice breaks through my thoughts.

I’ve never felt more useless in my life. All I can do is wait. I’ve activated all of my resources to find her, every single one of them. Called in every favor. Nothing has pointed to a new lead.

Casella was my only potential suspect.

I was wrong.

No one else has found any trace of my wife either.

I frantically wrack my brain for what else I can do. And keep coming back to one answer: Nothing.

I such in a shuddering breath. “Keep me updated on—”

My phone vibrates with an incoming call. The caller ID shows an Unknown Number. I have to answer it, just in case it’s vital news. If it’s a spam caller, I swear to God I’ll personally hunt them down and beat them to death with their own phone. I have nothing better to do right now.

“Hold on,” I tell Baron, switching calls. “De Luca here.”

A deep, Russian-accented voice speaks. “De Luca, this is Dimitri Kozlov.”

Surprise and wariness hit me. “What can I do for you?”

“I was hoping you’d ask that. Though the real question is what can we do for each other? You see, I need a promise from you and your friend Blake Baron that you’ll stay out of my way, and not interfere with a certain situation.”

“What situation?”

“It hasn't happened yet. But it will. I’m not at liberty to discuss it right now, or ever. I need a guarantee that neither of you will intervene when it does occur.”

How fucking cryptic can he get?

“I can’t promise you a damn thing,” I snap.

“You will once you know what I can offer you in return.”

“And what’s that?” I indulge his fantasy.

“Your wife. Sophia.”

My heart stops. Why the fuck would he take her? He should be thanking me for outing his cousin for the rat that he was, and how he took advantage of the Kozlov Bratva for his own gain.