Page 72 of Stolen Vows


“Her driver’s dead. Two bullets in the chest. No sign of Sophia, but her purse is in the back seat.”

That would explain why she’s not answering her phone.

“When did this happen?”

“About two hours ago.”

Casella. Motherfucker.

He misjudged me when he thought he could kidnap my wife because of a late delivery. I’m going to burn him, and everything he holds dear, to the ground. No one lays a hand onmy wife.



“Wake up, you little whore.” The speaker shakes my shoulders, rattling my small frame. Wait, why does that voice sound familiar? Am I dreaming? Hallucinating? I crack both eyes open.

Christ, my head hurts. One side of my face throbs, but that’s in addition to the general overall pounding in my temples. Did I hit my head? On what?

Nausea makes my stomach roil and clench. I lean over, vomit the sandwich I had for lunch all over a grey floor. My entire body breaks into a cold sweat and I start shaking.

Like a runaway semi, the memories surface. Boom. Crash. Chloroform.

Someone pulled me from the car and knocked me out.

Easing upright, I realize I’m tied to a chair in the middle of some abandoned structure. The floor is dirty, cracked concrete, and light filters in through broken windows. The air is still and humid. Water flows nearby, creating an ever-present white noise in the background.

“There she is.”

I glance in the voice’s direction. My eyes widen, right before the bastard backhands me across the face. The blow sparks glittering stars in my vision.

“I told you, no one steals from me, whore.” Nik’s features swim before my eyes.

“You’re dead,” I tell him, even though he’s obviously not dead.

He laughs, dragging me in the chair away from the pool of vomit. “These days, all you need to fake your own death is to pay off a cop, a coroner, and threaten a newspaper.” He snaps his fingers. “That’s it. To the world I’m dead. Which means no one is looking for me.”

It must be the blow to my head, or the aftereffects of the drugs, because I’m having a difficult time wrapping my brain around the fact that Nik Kozlov is alive, standing right in front of me.

And I’m his prisoner.

“Why?” I croak. “Let me go, Nik, please.”

He squats down so we’re eye level. “No, no, no. I have plans for you.” His blue gaze feels like ice scraping against my skin. “But first I’m going to tell you a story, and by the end of it, you’ll realize exactly how stupid you really are.” He chuckles. “You’re nothing more than a slut.”

I find it difficult to concentrate on what he’s saying with the pain raging through my head. The headache is enough, why did he have to hit me, too?

Strangely, Nik doesn’t seem angry. He appears excited, if anything, which has me even more on edge. He’s flying high on…something.

Victory? Does he really think he won by faking his death and kidnapping me? Roman will come, and when he does, there will be hell to pay.

Nik straightens up and starts walking in a slow circle around me. “I’m going to tell you all about the monster you married.”

“Roman isn’t a monster.Youare.” That statement earns me another slap across the face that sends my head reeling. After that, I shut up and listen.

Nik continues walking. “Olivia married De Luca in what was supposedly a love match, except that a year later she fell out of love with him. Or at least that’s what she told me when she climbed into my bed and spread her legs for me. Olivia was young and beautiful so I fucked her—countless times. Until she started to get needy.”