Page 50 of Stolen Vows

“A pleasure to meet you both,” she says. “I’m sure we’ll get to know each other much better in the next couple of months.”

“I do hope so.” Mama beams at her. “You did a wonderful job pulling this together for tonight. We may have to reconsider where we’re doing the rehearsal dinner.”

“Of course. I can certainly help with that.” Mrs. De Luca takes Mama’s arm and they drift into a quieter corner as they continue to chat about wedding plans. Those two are so alike, with their strong personalities, that they’ll either hate each other or become fast friends. So far, it’s appearing to be the latter.

“God help us,” Roman murmurs, his gaze on our mothers.

“Mmm, my thoughts exactly.”

“Sophia, dearest?” Papa draws my attention to him. “I know you’re angry with me right now. I just want you to understand—”

I shake my head. “Save it.”

He gasps, rearing his head back as if I’d slapped him. True, I’ve never spoken so bluntly to him before, so it would come as a surprise.

“What you did was wrong, Papa. I have nothing to say to you.”

He scowls. “Yet, you don’t seem to be blaminghim.” He tips his head toward Roman, who’s standing beside me as still as a statue.

“Roman and I have come to an understanding and struck a bargain between ourselves. No thanks to you, Papa.”

At least he finally has the sense to look remorseful. With a curt nod, he hesitantly moves away from us, rejoining the greater crowd.

I hate being angry with my father, but I don’t know how else to deal with him. Our family has always put the good of the whole above that of an individual member. However, I can’t believe he let me go so easily. He sent a staff member to pack my things before he even had time to break the news to me. It hurts.

I turn to Roman. “What did you threaten him with that night?”

He catches on to my meaning quickly enough. “Ruin. Complete and absolute ruin to his entire family if he didn’t turn you over to me immediately.”

Of course. Roman’s the kind of man who doesn’t do things by halves. It’s all or nothing—until it comes to me, then he only does things by halves.

“You’re horrible,” I tell him. Why can’t I summon up the same level of anger, or even hatred, for Roman that I currently hold for my father? I did hate Roman in the beginning. Hell, I loathed him.

I can’t seem to recall exactly when that changed. All of those times that he’s rescued me must have worn me down.

“You keep saying that. But your actions indicate that you like that I’m horrible.” His thumb caresses my back. “Tell me it’s true.”

I ignore his demand. “It’s unfair of me to hold a grudge against my father when you gave him no choice in the matter.”

“Oh, he had a choice.” Roman spins us around until my back is to the wall and he’s standing in front of me, blocking my view of the room. “He had to choose between his standing in this entire city and you. He chose his fortune and reputation. It’s as simple as that.”

I scowl at him. “Any man would make that same choice given those two options. He made the right choice. I shouldn’t fault him for that.”

“I disagree.” Roman’s fingers wrap around my upper arms. “There are people in our lives worth fighting for, worth risking it all for. Perhaps it’s time you reconsider your own worth.”

I scoff. “Myworth? My own father handed me over to you without a fight at all. After he promised me to a brute so we could strengthen our ties with the Russians. Whatworthshould I think I have?”

Roman leans in, his breath tickling my ear when he speaks, “You’re mine now, and I will never let you go without a fight.”

My stupid heart skips a beat.

I remind myself that to Roman I’m no more than a possession, a necessity. He needs a wife, an heir, and there’s nothing about me that makes me worthy other than having a womb.

Why on earth would he think I see any worth in myself at all, other than what everyone else wants from me?

He doesn’t.

Papa doesn’t.