Page 49 of Stolen Vows

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Iset down my pencil and glance up at the wall clock. Ten minutes until the end of this SAT section. Glancing round the classroom, I notice that several others look bored or worried as they also wait for the timer to sound.

At this point, IthinkI’m doing well enough. God knows I’ve studied my ass off this month. If I don’t score high enough to have a shot at Columbia University, then I don’t know what I’m going to do besides try again. But time is running out. I need to get my application in before the wedding and the university’s deadline.

My other worry is that I don’t have a formal GPA. I’ve had private tutors since the age of thirteen and have my GED, I just hope that it’s enough.

The timer dings and we take a ten-minute break before diving back into the test. Over three hours total. By the time it’s over, I’m mentally and emotionally exhausted, but there’s no rest to come, not today.

Enzo drives me home, where I lie down for a power nap, then get ready for my engagement party.

Most people, especially in arranged marriages, don’t have two engagement parties—to two different men—within two months of each other. But I guess I’m notmost people.

We were planning to skip this part of the celebrations, but after Mrs. De Luca met me, she insisted we do everything properly—including another engagement party.

We travel to the venue, Roman and I both lost in our own thoughts for the drive, him on his phone and me staring out the window. When we arrive and enter the space, I immediately realize this party is completely different from the first one.

This time, instead of being at my parents’ house, we’re at a riverside venue that exudes elegance. Mrs. De Luca chose the location and had a hand in the arrangements. I’m pretty sure she has magical powers because somehow this party makes the one before it pale in comparison, even with less time to plan. It’s probably just that touch of what old money can bring: Vital connections and understated perfection.

The guest list that previously was a tacky display of wealth, power, and who-knows-who, is pared down to friends and family. This gathering feels more intimate—more real, somehow, too.

Yet,this time,I’m not on edge. Standing beside Roman, his palm resting on my lower back, strikes me as natural, even comfortable. We look like a real couple tonight—a couple who wants to be here instead of one forced together. Ironic, given how we met.

My parents approach us. It’s the first time I’ve seen them since Roman literally tossed me over his shoulder and carried me from my childhood home.

Mama flings her arms around me, squeezing me in a tight hold. “Sophia, my beautiful daughter, you are glowing tonight.”

Warmth heats my cheeks. Even though my sexual experience with Roman in his office was not entirely what I expected, I feel different now that I’ve lost my virginity and became a woman. It’s a subtle shift, but it’s noticeable.

Can Mama tell? Is that why I’m glowing tonight?

Drawing back, she kisses my cheeks and I return the gesture. “Thank you, Mama.”

Her gaze hardens when she glances up at Roman, then over at Papa, who appears more tired than is normal. Dark circles haunt his eyes, his lips pull down at the corners, and his full head of salt and pepper hair appears limp.

Concern draws my brows together, until I remind myself that Papa would have handed me over to anybody. I consider myself lucky that it turned out to be Roman instead of someone worse. Even so, Papa is not in my good graces right now. I don’t know if he’ll ever be again.

Mama returns her gaze to Roman. “You better be treating my daughter well, Mr. De Luca. While you may have succeeded in intimidating my husband into giving you our daughter, I’m not so easy to break. If you give her less than everything she desires, I’ll show up on your doorstep, and, believe me, you won’t like the consequences.”

“Mama!” I gasp, never have I heard her speak to anyone outside the family like this before. Though I guess…Roman is part of the family now. Or, at least near enough.

I glance up at Roman, who’s yellow-hazel eyes give away no hint at his thoughts. He’s not the type of man most people threaten and live to tell about it. What is Mama thinking?

Roman reaches out and takes Mama’s hand in his. “I promise to give your daughter everything she desires and more.” He places a chaste kiss on the back of her hand before releasing it. “You have my word.”

Mama seems slightly in shock, and more than a little flustered. I’m not surprised. Roman can be charming as the devil himself when he wants to be. He uses it like a weapon in his arsenal. I should know.

His gaze lands on me and my stomach flutters. I have a love-hate relationship with my body’s reaction to him. One look from him and I’m all but giddy. That, paired with him making promises to my Mama, and my heart opens to him a little further.

Damn it, what if I’m falling in love with my fiancé? Is that so bad?

Yes, it’s bad, because our marriage is a business arrangement and nothing more. There’s no room for feelings between us. Roman has made it perfectly clear that he doesn’t believe in love, so if I don’t want to end up hurt, I need to start doing a better job of protecting my heart.

It’s simply difficult when he turns on that charm and starts spouting romantic notions. We both tend to get swept up in the moment. But I can tell by the way he shuts down afterwards and I don’t see him for days at a time that he regrets the sweet things he says to me.

Marriage is a business transaction, nothing more. I’d be wise to remember that around him.

“I see my son is laying on the charm.” Mrs. De Luca glides up to our small group, and Roman makes the introductions. This is the first time our two families have met face-to-face.