Page 10 of Stolen Vows

My cheeks flare at his description of me, but it’s not enough to deter me for long. “She’s checked out. You don’t get sweet and quiet from me. And you certainly won’t get obedient. Ever.”

His features darken. “We’ll see about that.”

“Yes, we will.” I match his glare with one of my own. Where is all this strength coming from? I’m normally not this combative.

“The sooner you stop fighting me and accept your new reality, the easier this will be for both of us. We’re engaged. Your place is here with me. And you’ll do as you're told, like a good girl.”

I set the glass down with an audible clink. Fury makes my hands shake. This man is completely insufferable. I hate him with every fiber of my being.

“Like hell I will. I wasn’t asked about any of this, and I’m not going to just roll over and submit to you. You’ll have to find a different woman if that’s what you want.”

“I don’t think so.” His lips curve up in a feral grin. “Be a good girl or I’ll have to punish you.”

My pulse skitters. He sounds like he would enjoy punishing me. I’m in way over my head here, but I can’t bring myself to back down. I’ve been an obedient daughter all my life and this is where I end up? Engaged to a man at least ten years older than I am, all because of a business deal? Hell no. I never agreed to this, and I never will.

“You are not going to lay a single finger on me.” I pick up my glass and swallow the contents, seeking some liquid courage to see this through. I never set boundaries, and see where I ended up because of that oversight? I’ve had enough.

Enough is enough.

“Is that what you told Kozlov before he had you backed up against a wall?” Roman drains yet another glass of scotch.

“You really like rubbing what happened in my face, don’t you? Then here, you’ll probably enjoy seeing these too.” I thrust my arms toward him so he can clearly see the darkening bruises from where Nik had hold of me.

I still can’t believe he became so physically violent. The whole memory feels more like a dream than reality. That wasn’t the Nik I’ve come to know.

Glancing up at Roman, I try to read his expression. He’s staring at the marks on my upper arms, and something dark and dangerous lurks in his eyes. A muscle in his jaw pulses.

Then he’s stalking around the island, coming closer, until he has me pinned between his massive form and the marble countertop. Every cell in my body is aware of him, his heat, his scent, the danger that oozes from him like a wave crashing against me. A tingle of electricity shoots over my skin, and I shudder. Once again, I’m frozen in place. Trapped.

His palms settle on my arms, his thumbs slowly circling the bruises. I gasp when the contact sends a prickling sensation up my spine. It’s unlike any fear I’ve experienced before. My nipples pebble and heat pools between my legs. Surely that’s an odd fear reaction?

I try to shake off the strange feeling. I can’t let his overwhelming presence take me off course. I clench my jaw and try to break contact, but his hold tightens.

“Tell me, did you agree to marry Kozlov? Or were you obeying your father’s orders?”

“I… I agreed to the match.” Reluctantly.

Hostility flashes through his gaze. “Do you love him?”

“No. I don’t know him well. Obviously.” My answer is honest. I couldn’t come up with a lie right now if my life depended on it because Roman’s soft caresses are all I can focus on. His gentle touch is at odds with the pure loathing I see in his eyes.

“Do you want to go back to him?” he asks, his tone giving away none of the roiling emotions he can’t hide from me while our gazes are locked.

I swallow hard. Would I return to Nik, if not for Roman?

“If I have to marry someone, I prefer the devil I know than the monster I don’t.”

“You think I’m a monster?”

I nod.

“Yet, I’d never do this to you.” He releases my arms. Raising one hand, he skims his knuckles across my cheek, touching a sore spot. I sharply inhale at the unexpected pain. “He hit you.”

Yes, Roman witnessed Nik backhanding me right before he stepped in. I hadn’t realized it left a visible mark until now.

Roman brushes my hair away from my cheek, his fingers a gentle caress. My skin heats and my lips part at the affectionate gesture. Any moment now, my heart is going to burst from my chest, it’s pounding so hard and fast.

How can this man’s words be so harsh, yet his touch so caring? His presence both intimidating and protective? He makes me want to smack him for his cruel mouth, and lean into his heady scent.