Page 40 of Heartless

"No we can't." I scooted over and leaned against the bed beside her. "He's going to regret fucking with the wrong sisters."

I didn't know how long this tentative truce would last, but between us we'd fuck back against Zachary harder than we ever would have against each other. It might even feel good to be on the same side as her for a while.

"Yes he is. And you owe me an apology." She gave me a sly smile. "You thought I sent that bear."

I flipped her off. "For one thing, I had good reason to think that. If the tables were turned, you would have thought I attacked you. Also, I just saved your ass. I could have walked out the door, closed it behind me and let that bomb go off with you in the room."

"You wouldn't do that," she said. "Deep down, you love me. Besides, you couldn't know how powerful that bomb was. It could have taken out the corridor with you in it."

"You're right in the second count." I wasn't going to say anything about the first point. Maybe she was right. That wasn't something I needed to dwell on right now.

When Zachary was dealt with, we'd go back to being bitter enemies. I had no reason to assume otherwise. At this point, we'd been at each other's throats for so long, I didn't know if we could do any different.

She snorted softly. "There's something you should know."

"You're sleeping with Dane DiMarco, everyone knows that," I said lightly.

She rolled her eyes to the ceiling. "I don't care who knows that. Dane is—" She shook her head. "That doesn't matter at the moment. When Zachary was here, he told me he was transferring to Brutham. They're going to make sure he does the trials along with us."

We exchanged knowing looks.

"That is interesting," I said slowly. "He may regret that choice."

"If he lives long enough to regret it," she said. "Personally, I'd be okay with him being long gone before that."

"So would I," I agreed. "Although…after what he did to us, I'd be just as happy to make him suffer for a while."



"Or we could just rip his balls off and shove them down his throat." I bit into my apple like I might tear a piece off Zachary and spit it out.

Parker and I were in class when we heard the explosion outside the window. Although it was several metres from where we sat, the whole building shook. The windows rattled. The bomb left a crater the size of my outstretched arms in the manicured lawn. Small in the scheme of things, but big enough to kill Lila and her sister if it went off in the same room as them.

Needless to say, I was pissed off. Coming after Lila once was bad enough. Twice was a one way trip to the perpetrator’s worst nightmare. That was a ticket I was happy to spring for.

Sitting opposite Chloe and Dane, on the same side for once, was as surreal as it was temporary. I trusted them as much as I trusted Zachary, but if Lila said they were working together, then I'd play nice.

For now.

"I'm not ruling that out," Lila said. "I don't want to kill him outright just yet."

"Why?" Parker asked. "You'd be surprised how many problems can be solved by killing someone outright."

"I hate to say it, but Parker is right," Dane said. He sat beside Chloe, his arm draped across the back of the couch behind her. He was tense. Ready to defend her if any of us made a move.

Parker grinned. "Thanks, dude. I keep telling Hunter that but he thinks I'm biased."

"I didn't say you were biased," I argued. "I said you were full of shit. There's a significant difference."

He flipped me off. "I love you too, bro."

"Anyway," Dane drawled. "This asshole tried to kill both of you and you don't want him dead?"

"Oh, we want him dead all right," Lila said. "But we want to toy with him first. Make an example of him. Killing him would be too easy. We want this to be memorable."

"Exactly," Chloe agreed. "We want people to know what happens when they fuck with the Bell family. We want what we do to him to serve as a deterrent to anyone else who thinks we're pushovers because we're women."