Page 25 of Heartless

"They really were," Slade agreed. "But there's no feeling like crossing that finishing line and knowing you survived your first year. You feel invincible."

"Slade is right," Hunter said. "It feels amazing. But today will feel even more amazing. And don't worry about getting lost. We put a tracking device in your watch and a backup one in your earring, just in case."

He frowned briefly. "It might be worth putting one in a clit piercing as well. In case someone tries to pull them out during the trial itself. A few people last year had piercings torn straight out. Most won't think to look at your clit."

"They better not," Parker growled. "I'll push them off a fucking cliff if they go anywhere near her clit."

"Get in line, bro," Hunter told him.

"We can push them together," Slade said placatingly. "Hunter is right though, a clit piercing would be a good idea. Notjustto have somewhere to put a tracker though." He grinned.

"Only if you get a cock piercing," I said to all three in general. I'd get a clit piercing if it meant not getting lost out here, but I'd never thought about getting one for any other reason.

"I will," Parker said immediately. Of course he did, he was the more adventurous of the twins. It must be a younger twin thing. I was the same way, where Chloe was the predictable, reliable twin. At least, that was the picture she painted of herself to the world. I'd seen her do some pretty wild shit in the past. Nothing I wouldn’t do though. I preferred to take life by the balls and live it.

"In the meantime, let's get this hunt started before the sun goes down." Hunter jogged on the spot to warm up. He gave me a predatory look that set my blood on fire.

I forgot I was going to be running through trees and bushes and started to see it for what it was. Something primal. Three gorgeous guys chasing me, hoping to catch me and pin me down under their bodies. I was the rabbit and they were the hungry wolves, desperate to sink their teeth into my flesh. To tear me to pieces. To wreck me completely.

I nodded. "How much of a head start do I get?"

"Five minutes." Slade glanced down at his watch. "Your time has started, little bunny. If I was you, I'd run."

If he thought he was going to give me the nickname ‘little bunny,’ we'd be having words later. In the meantime, I pressed on the compass on my watch, turned until I was facing east and started to run.

I didn't look back until I reached the line of trees. All three of the guys stood side by side, backs to the SUV, arms crossed. Each was trying to give the impression he was relaxed, but the tension in their bodies said otherwise. They were ready for this, as though they chased women through forests on a regular basis. As though they were just doing this for fun, but for the continuation of the species. Only the strongest, fastest, smartest got to fuck.

I smiled. Only if they could catch me.

I turned away and ducked down into the trees.

It was a good thing I was dressed for this, in solid boots, jeans and a sturdy long sleeved shirt. Anything else would have been ripped to shreds on the branches as I ran past. I would have tripped in the kind of shoes I usually preferred. If they really wanted to torture us, they'd make us do the trials in heels. That sounded like the perfectly sadistic thing whoever came up with this would do. Assholes.

I held my hands up in front of me, protecting my face and sweeping branches away in front of me. Every so often, I glanced down at my watch to make sure I was still heading in the right direction. I had to turn to the south to run around a particularly thick section of bush.

The moment I could, I headed back east, I turned but slowed to a quick walk. Running through the trees sounding like a herd of elephants would be the quickest way for the guys to find me.

I glanced back a few times, but saw no sign of any of them. Once in a while, I heard a shout that suggested they were following quite a way back.

Good, I thought.Stay back there. I was not going to let them catch me. I had to be fast like that little bunny, but I also had to be smart. Outrunning them wouldn't be enough. I had to think like them. What would they do?

Parker would barrel on through the trees, shoving anything and everything out of his path. He'd want to head in a straight line and hope to catch me in the middle of it.

Hunter would live up to his name. He'd be looking for signs of the direction I went, tracking my every move and trying to anticipate where I'd end up next. He knew the terrain. If he saw me skirt around the thick bushes, he'd know where the next one was and figure out the best way around them.

I might outrun Parker, but I'd have to out think Hunter.

Slade— He was the most difficult one to figure out. He zeroed in on me the moment we met. He knew what he wanted and set his sights on getting me. He'd also done the trials before, and knew the terrain.

I mulled it over for a minute or two before I realised. I knew where he'd be. I'd have to be very careful to avoid him.

I reached a place where several large boulders stood in my way. On the other side was a drop down into the valley below. It was exactly the sort of place I wouldn't want to be pinned down during the trials. A couple of people wanting to dispose of me and I’d be pushed down off that drop. If the fall down the sheer rock didn't kill me, the landing would.

The question was, how did I get past?

Almost as soon as I had that thought, I had another realisation. It wasn't just how I got past, it was about how the guysexpectedme to get past. They'd be waiting for me to reach places like this. They'd be expecting me to behave in a certain way. I had to do something unexpected. For the first time, I understood the point of the trials. It wasn't just a test of loyalties and who wanted who dead, although it was also that, it was about using critical thinking skills.

I stepped back and crouched down in some bushes.