Page 12 of Heartless

I swallowed. I had my hands full with the twins, but there was something about this guy, something compelling. Something as dangerous as them.

"Slade is an old family friend," Hunter said meaningfully.

I guessed as much. He was no innocent who had the misfortune of landing a job here, only to find out what the university was really like. No, he had the air of someone who knew exactly what he was doing.

"I figured he could join us for the evening's proceedings," Hunter added.

"The more the merrier," I said lightly. I managed to drag my eyes away from Slade as several others, also carrying trays, sat down on the couches with us.

Chloe was among them, with Dane in tow. He and Slade exchanged glances and nods before they sat down on the opposite side of the lounge area.

About twelve of us sat around the table, most appearing eager, some nervous.

Satisfied everyone was here, Hunter rose and gestured for everyone's attention.

"Thank you all for gathering here this evening," he started formally. "It's once again time for our monthly game of—” He paused for effect. “Kink or Drink. For those of you who are new to the game—" He nodded toward Slade.

"Allow me to explain how this works. On the trays in front of you, you'll see a variety of delicious shots of alcohol. In the middle of the table, is a stack of cards. The rules are simple. Take a card, read it out loud. You have a choice: do whatever the card tells you, or take a drink. There will be no judgement, whatever you decide. There may, however, be some jeering. All acts must take place in this room, in front of all of us. They may incur some wolf whistles, and possibly some advice."

"I must remind you, cameras and phones are not allowed. Anyone breaking that rule will be taken out and shot." He said the words lightly, but could have meant them literally. As far as I knew, no one ever broke that rule. The game was too much fun for anyone to want to ruin it like that, much less die for it.

"One last thing." Hunter held up his finger. "Everything that takes place here must be one hundred percent consensual. If you cannot find a willing partner for the act the card tells you to do, then you must forfeit and take a drink. If you are so drunk you are unable to perform, you may be laughed at. You will also have to either drink or forfeit. Which is another way of saying ‘go to bed.’"

He started to sit down, but stood up again. "I should also remind you, anyone who passes out on the couch is fair game for someone to draw a moustache and glasses on their face." He grinned.

"If you do that to me again, I'm going to whip your ass," Parker growled.

Hunter's grin broadened. "Then don't pass out again, bro. Simple."

Parker flipped him off. "Asshole."

"Guilty." Hunter shrugged and pointed over to a woman on the opposite side of the couches. "Posey, it's your turn to go first."

She gave him a nervous look, but leaned forward and picked up a card. Her eyes widened.

"Get spanked."

"My favourite card." Parker rubbed his hands together.

"I'm fond of it myself," Hunter agreed. "The question is, what is Posey going to do? Kink or Drink?" He gestured at her and gave her a questioning look.

She looked around the table. "If someone wants to…"

"I will." Edward Takahashi seemed quiet and shy when you first met him, but he had ties to the Yakuza, and never missed a game of Kink or Drink. He was always a very active participant. It didn't surprise me he volunteered to spank Posey.

"Ding ding," Hunter said enthusiastically. "Off you go then." He waved them over to the side of the room where a variety of paddles, floggers and various other toys were hung or sat on shelves. "Don't forget the safe word. Banana."

That was the universal safe word for anything that took place here.

Edward waved for Posey to choose her toy of preference. Her gaze skimmed the shelves before she decided on a pink paddle with velvet covering the head and handle. She gave it to Edward before turning around and leaning over the black, vinyl sex couch. That was starting to look well-worn.

She flipped up the back of her short skirt to expose her ass, bare except for a red, lacy G -string.

I glanced over to Slade. He was watching with casual interest, one arm draped over the back of the couch. I couldn't tell what he thought about any of this, but presumed Hunter filled him in before he joined us. This game wasn't for everyone. Better that people knew what they might get into before they took a place on the couch.

Of course, anyone could walk away whenever they wanted to. No one was forced into anything. Pride kept most people from leaving.

I returned my gaze to Posey and Edward as he spanked her ass tentatively with the paddle.