Page 58 of Heartless

He waved dismissively. "I expect better from both of you. I don't know who got the better of who here, but I'm seriously considering the value of Zachary taking over some day. Perhaps there are more important things than blood."

His words made me want to spill some.

Instead I lifted my chin. "You won't when I'm finished. I'll show you who deserves to be head of the Bell family."

I wished I felt as confident. Everything Dad said had me doubting myself and wondering who the hell I could trust. Including myself.

One more slip up and I could be totally fucked.



"Any guesses on how many days have passed?" Parker asked.

"Same as the last time you asked me," I snapped. "I have no fucking idea. At least a couple."

Apart from Zachary and Chloe dropping in once in a while to throw us some food, literally, the hours blended into each other. Parker found a bucket in the corner, but that was starting to get full.

The smell was no fucking joke either.

I took a long, slow breath. "Sorry, bro. When I said we needed a vacation, this wasn't what I meant. It's getting to me a bit."

"Yeah, me too," Parker said softly. "I'd rather be paddleboarding on some island somewhere. Or jumping out of a plane."

"We can do those things when we get out of here," I promised. "You, me, Lila and Slade can run off somewhere. Stay away from all the bullshit for a while."

"You'd be bored in the first two hours," he pointed out.

"I'd last at least three," I protested. "All of them with my cock buried in Lila."

We’d tried to break the chains that kept us bound, but they were firmly attached to the wall. They wouldn't slide or break off our wrists, no matter how hard we tried. I'd even placed one against the wall and had Parker slam his foot against it over and over.

Unable to see well enough in the dark, he kicked me more than he kicked the fucking restraints. He tried, but in the end I had to tell him to stop. Keeping going was more dangerous than quitting.

I fucking hated quitting.

Once we realised all we could do was bide our time, I sat leaning against the wall, or trying to sleep. I couldn't think of anything but Lila and what was happening to her.

Did she know we were missing or had Chloe and Zachary spun some bullshit story to explain our absence? If they were doing anything to her… Touching her…

"You're grinding your teeth again," Parker said. "I'm just as pissed off about this as you are."

I unclenched my teeth. "I know you are. I just—"

Footsteps approached. The door creaked open. A light flashed directly in my eyes. The chain gave me just enough slack to raise my hand and shield them.

If one of the assholes got close enough, I could wrap it around their neck, but neither of them did. Maybe they were hoping we'd do that to each other. No such fucking luck assholes.

"Good news," Zachary said cheerfully. "You're getting out of here."

"It's about fucking time," I growled. "Undo these things and we'll be on our way."

I shook my wrist to rattle the chain. The first thing I was going to do was kill this asshole. I didn't even care if it was quick and painless, as long as it happened.

Zachary chuckled. "You misunderstand. You're leaving here, but we're taking you somewhere else. They finally figured out you're missing. If it took them this long to notice, I guess they didn't give a shit. We still don't want anyone nosing around looking for you."

"Funny, because that's exactly what I want," I said. "How about you fuck off and we'll sit here patiently and wait for them?" I lowered my hand and crossed my arms as best I could over my chest.