Page 1 of Heartless



I stalked slowly around the table, hands clasped behind my back.

Every so often, I glanced at our ‘guest.’ That’s a term I use loosely, given he was tied to the chair by his ankles and wrists. His mouth was covered with a ragged slash of duct tape.

He was blindfolded with one of his cheap polyester ties when we brought him here. Parker slipped it off so we could see his fear.

Besides, it was easier to get our point across if he could see our faces and the level of shit he was in right now.

He screamed something into the tape and fought against his bindings. His movement rattled the chair. The feet scraped across the concrete floor, screeching painfully.

Parker shook his head. "Scott, Scott, Scott. There's no need to panic. All Hunter and I wanted to do was have a little chat."

Scott eyed him carefully, pain in his gaze. Maybe even a hint of anticipation.

Considering I already removed three of his toes with pruning shears, panic seemed like a good reaction to me. Presumably he was hopeful of getting out of here alive, before he bled out all over the floor.

I tossed one of his toes down onto the table. It bounced a couple of times before it stopped on the edge, right in front of him.

His eyes widened.

"There's a few more where that came from," I reminded him.

He struggled again. Screamed into the tape.

"He knows what he did wrong, doesn't he, Park?" I asked my identical twin brother. "Did we explain it clearly enough?"

Parker sat back in his chair and placed his hands behind his head. "I don't know if we did, Hunt. I suppose he's wondering why he's here."

Scott gave us both a wary look and pressed himself against the back of the chair. As if somehow he could get away from us like that.

"Would you like to explain, or will I?" I asked.

Parker waved his hand at me. "Be my guest."

I raised the pruning shears and slammed them, blades first, into the table. They embedded a centimetre or two, the handle wobbling from the impact.

Scott flinched and jerked away.

I closed my palms down on the table to either side of the shears and leaned forward.

"You may have been ignorant of the fact that Lila Bell belongs to us." I raised an eyebrow at him.

Scott shook his head.

"You didn't know?" I asked.

He nodded.

My other eyebrow joined the first. "Youdidknow?" I knew he knew, but fucking with him was too much fun to resist.

His eyes were wide, unsure what to do now.

I straightened up and sat on the edge of the table. "Let's save us both some time. You did know. You knew when you shoved her out of the way in the corridor. You knew when you almost knocked her off her feet. When you knocked books out of her arms."

I leaned forward until I was almost nose to nose with him. He smelled like terror. I inhaled deeply. Scaring the shit out of people was one of the simple joys of life. Particularly when we had good reason to do it.