Page 6 of Dark Daze

"Yeah. Let's get something to eat."

We both stood and I realised how big he was. I wasn't tiny, but beside him I felt like it. He could have put his arms around me and cracked me like a nut. I already knew his cock was in proportion to the rest of him.

"See something you like?" he asked teasingly.

"Huh?" I realised I was looking right at his groin and jerked my eyes back up to his. My face heated like crazy. "Maybe I do."

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Ric demanded.

I was tempted to ignore him, but Gunnar didn't, or at leastcouldn't.

"Hey, boss. Just talking to an old friend," he said easily.

I turned to see Ric's face looking like a thunderhead. It was satisfying as fuck.

I started to say something like piss off, but a shout from Nova interrupted me.

"Mummy, can I have a hot dog?" Her voice was loud and piercing as only a five-year-old's can be.

"Excuse me." I worked myself out from between the two guys and over to the buffet.

Three tables were piled high with about a million different kinds of food. One whole section was covered in hot dogs, chicken nuggets and all sorts of shit kids prefer to eat.

"But that salad looks so good." I pointed and smiled teasingly.

She placed her hands on her hips and pouted at me. "But Mummy!"

I mirrored her stance and grinned. "Of course you can have a hot dog, sweetie." I lowered my hands.

She happily grabbed her hotdog and took it back over to sit with her friends.

"Your kid?" Gunnar asked. He stood a couple of metres away, one eye on Ric while he grabbed a plate. "She looks like you."

"She's cuter than me but just as big a brat," I said.

Ric picked up two plates and shoved one at me. "We'll talk later."

"Is this where you tell me what to eat?" I asked with venomous sweetness.

He stepped over closer to me and spoke in my ear. "I fucking should, and you'll do it."

"Don't make me break this plate over your head," I said, not bothering to keep my voice down.

"Do it," he said. "That will give me an excuse to put you over my knee and spank you until your ass is bruised and you can't walk, then fuck you until you scream."

I snorted. "Don't threaten me with a good time." I turned away from him and resisted the urge to pile desert on my plate. I suspected that would piss him off, which was exactly the point. But if I did that, I'd miss the delicious roast beef and salad and what looked like bread straight out of the oven.

Ric leaned over my shoulder and said, "If there weren't kids here, I’d bend you over the table in front of everyone."

I looked sideways at his cheek. "Having kids around wouldn't stop you from doing that. Your sister, on the other hand, hasn't stopped giving me the evil eye since I walked in. Does she still have you on a short leash?"

"I'm on no one's leash, Daze," he growled. "People are on mine. You've been away for a while so I'll forgive you for not knowing how things are now. You'll learn soon enough."

"I can't wait," I said sarcastically.

"I know you can't," he said. "Because, in case you've forgotten, I know your weakness. The reason you left town. Because you love this lifestyle and the power it brings. And what you love most of all, is men with that power. That's why you work for Caleb. You can't get away from it because you don't want to. You're mine because you want that too. Because you want to be fucked by a powerful man. You get off on it. You sense it on me, how much I have now. That's why you didn't push me away, why you were so eager to fuck my leg like a bitch in heat."

"You were holding me down," I hissed.