Page 9 of Dark Daze

"People do open up after they're intimate," I agreed.

"Caleb will be grateful for any information," he said. "Especially if we can deal with problems before they arise."

If I didn't know better, I’d think he was suggesting I sleep with anyone I suspected of working against Caleb to get information from them.

Oh, wait, that was exactly the kind of thing people like Hilton suggested people like me do for them. There’s nothing they wouldn't do to get, or hang on to power. Including using anyone and everyone.

"I'll keep my ears open." That was all I could promise.

"I have to admit, I'm looking forward to getting to know you outside the office," he said. "You're a beautiful woman, smart, and you know how to use a butter knife to kill a man."

My face heated and I shrugged. "My father taught me how to take care of myself." If Hilton was a threat, there were several places I could jam that knife that would have killed him. I wouldn't have hesitated.

Bella would be slightly annoyed if I disrupted the festivities but she’d get over it.

He leaned in as though he wanted to tell me a secret. "There's nothing sexier than a woman who knows how to take care of herself." His breath brushed over my ear like a feather and sent a quiver of desire through my belly and down between my legs.

My attempt to be so fucking careful wasn't working very well right now.

"Even if it's only with a butter knife?" I asked softly.

"Especially if it's with a butter knife." His laugh tickled my neck. "It shows how flexible you are."

Oh, fuck. He was definitelynottalking about me having versatile thinking. His proximity and his words were making me wetter than Dusk Bay itself.

He's your boss, I reminded myself. Not to mention how complicated things already were with Ric and my brief flirtation with Gunnar. Then there was Nova, whose life I didnotwant to fuck up. I stayed away from this life as best as I could for her sake. Away from family, but away from the craziness too.

Didn't she deserve that and more? Spoiler alert, yes she did.

"Right," I said awkwardly. "I—"

"I don't want to rush you," he said. "Like I said, I'm looking forward to getting to know you better. I'm not the kind of man to play games. I go after what I want. And what I want is you."

He leaned back and sipped his coffee. His eyes were dark and intense, his gaze all about me, like no one and nothing else in the world existed. "For the record, I always get what I want. Always."

I knew that about him. I'd never seen anyone question him when he asked them to do anything. They never thought twice, including me. Hell, if he told me to bend over the table right now, I'd probably do it.

He knew it too, I saw it on his face. That should have irritated me, that anyone could be so cocky, but I liked being wanted.

Aside from Ric yesterday evening, I hadn't had much to do with men since Nova was born. I was busy with her and most men ran away when they knew I had a kid. Honestly, if that was their reaction, I didn't want them anyway. Me and my kid—we're a package deal. I wouldn't compromise.

"Is this where you expect me to drop to my knees when you say so?" I said lightly.

He smiled. "No. Believe it or not, that's not what I want. Although, I know you would if I asked you to. Like I said, I don't play games, but I don't want to rush. I want you on your knees because that's where you want to be. I want you spread out in front of me, because you're ready to beg for me to lick you until you scream. When I fuck you, and I will, it will be because you can't wait any more."

I licked my lips and swallowed hard. "All right then. I guess I'll let you know."

He laughed softly. "I know you will. Aside from her ambition, I ended my relationship with Hayley because I wanted someone else instead of her. You."

"Did you tell her that?" I grimaced.

"I did," he said.

Well fuck, that wasn't going to make the next couple of weeks as awkward as hell, was it?


"This is like the old days," Bella commented. "Me and Vinny, you and Gunnar." She smiled slyly past me to where Gunnar sat on another sun lounge.