Page 97 of Zirkov

Zirkov tapped his comm. “They’re not responding. Probably occupied with DAA agents.”

“I don’t think a DAA agent shot Sutherland.”

“Why is that?”

She pointed to the elongated shadow on the ground… the one with four arms.



“Little human,” Var’Len called out. Move away from the zyanthan. He’s my target, not you.

Zirkov motioned for Maggie to circle to her right while he went left. She got away without any issue, but the moment Zirkov moved, gunfire rained down on him. Var’Len had him pinned.

“Cease,” Zirkov shouted.

“Marshal, you’ve been nothing but trouble since Galactic Intelligence gave you command of GI7.”

“We never pursued you. Not until you abducted and used an Earth marshal against us.”

“You’ve made a lot of my peers very nervous. That’s why they sent me to Earth. To clean up our operation here. Do you admire my work, Kesk? The female followed my orders so well. As did Sutherland, though I didn’t need to control him the same way. He took credits. A simple business transaction. I’m merely a businessman protecting his own interests.”

Maggie moved as quietly as she could along the debris-riddled floor. With each step, she risked breaking glass beneath her feet and attracting Var’Len’s attention.

“Even if you kill me, it will not end GI7’s operations here on Earth.” Zirkov kept Var’Len talking to distract him while Maggie got into position.

“I don’t need to end GI7s operations. Only control them. You, I can’t control. Your replacement… I will find a way. I always do.”

In the corner of her vision, Maggie spotted movement. Var’Len hadn’t come alone.

“Behind you!” she yelled to Zirkov.

He dove as four knives sailed through the air. Zirkov came out of the roll firing his blaster. Two og’dals crumpled to the oil-stained cement floor.

Maggie spotted Var’Len as he disappeared into the maze of abandoned machinery. She chased after him. The male moved fast. In the distance, grunts and the shuffling of feet filled the air. It sounded like Zirkov was engaged in hand-to-hand combat with an og’dal, maybe two. If she reversed direction to provide backup, she’d lose her only chance of catching Var’Len.

A pained scream echoed through the warehouse. There was no choice now. Maggie raced to where she’d left Zirkov. He and the og’dals he’d shot were gone.

Where the hell did they go?

“You don’t need the marshal, little human,” Var’Len taunted as he appeared in front of her, holding a gun at his side.

“Zirkov?” she called out as she pointed her Glock at Var’Len.

“The Marshal left to save himself. That’s how little you mean to him. Which proves what I said earlier. Kesk cares about nothing but his job. That makes him dangerous.”

“You don’t know him.”

“Ah, but I do, through you. When Sutherland debriefed you, he learned more than the location and movements of GI7’s witnesses. You provided insight into Kesk as well as your desire for him. But he has no interest in you. If he returns, it will not be for you. No, human, Kesk’s only goal is to capture me… at any cost. He won’t hesitate to sacrifice you.”

“He hasn’t left,” Maggie insisted.

“Call for him again. He won’t answer because he’s not here.”

She wouldn’t listen to Var’Len’s lies any longer. Her fingers itched to shoot him, but she couldn’t, not in cold blood. And he was the key to finding those kidnapped women.

“What do you want from me?”