Page 51 of Zirkov

Vasha. He’d called her that before. When? She’d been crying because of him, but why? Why couldn’t she remember anything?

“My name’s Maggie. Not Vasha,” she struggled to say.

Zirkov’s hand cupped her cheek. “Vasha is an endearment.”

Huh. “Hospital,” she coughed out the word. “Why?”

Zirkov sat down in the chair beside her bed and rested his hand on her arm. That warm touch immediately calmed her. “You had an alien implant in your brain. The doctors removed it three days ago. We believe it caused your headaches.”

Maggie eased her head back into the pillow. She was starting to wonder if this was all a cruel nightmare.

“We’ve proved you’re the mole,” Stenikov added.

“Enough,” Zirkov roared.

“Not the mole,” she insisted though she knew Stenikov had no reason to lie.

Zirkov glared at the taller zyanthan. “Stenikov needs to learn restraint, but he is correct. You are the mole, Magdalena, but you are not responsible for your actions.”

Tears stung the corners of her eyes as she met his face. “I can’t be the mole.”

“Og’dals controlled you through a neural implant. Tekklan in design,” Stenikov added.

“I said enough, Warrior,” Zirkov roared, this time following up with a string of zyanthan words she didn’t know. But Stenikov’s horns dipped back far.

“My apologies, Commander.” Stenikov bowed his head. “I thought she should know we traced the neurosphere back to the Tekklan scientist who developed it.”

It seemed she was at the heart of all the trouble. “I’ve never met any tekklans.”

Zirkov caressed the side of her hand. “We do not need to discuss this now.”

“I need to know everything, Z.”

He inhaled long and slow as his horns tipped back. “An og’dal paid the tekklan to create the neurosphere customized for a human female’s brain. Drekking tekklans will develop anything for anyone if they’re paid enough.”

“This is good news, Marshal Walsh,” Stenikov added.

“I had some alien tech in my brain and that’s good news? Stenikov, you really need additional cultural training.”

“It accounts for your actions.” With another nod, he added, “I’m pleased you are recovering, Marshal, but I must see to another witness.” He left, easing the door shut behind him.

Zirkov leaned forward and lightly pressed his cheek against hers. His breath fanned her ear, sending a pleasant shiver through her body as he whispered, “You are safe, vasha. I promise you. No matter what happens, no matter what the DAA says or does, I won’t let anyone touch you. You, Magdalena, are mine to protect.”

The words and warmth of his cheek soothed and confused her. Why was Zirkov jumping to her defense so readily?

She closed her eyes, trying to push past the haze to process everything they’d just said. She didn’t even remember what led to her being in a hospital. She’d been in her bedroom, talking to…

Her eyes snapped to Zirkov. He’d been there, holding a rose and offering her a hand off the floor. But it wasn’t him. Two images blurred together. Zirkov’s and an og’dals. The og’dal had ordered her to sleep with Zirkov and get information from him.

“You said this implant caused my headaches. Did it cause my blackouts too?”

The vein in the side of Zirkov’s neck ticked. “You didn’t tell us about those, but yes, blackouts would be a side effect. It would explain a lot, in fact. Why you don’t remember leaking information, for one.”

“Oh, God, I’m the mole.” She reached over to fling the blanket off her and felt a tug on her arm. Tubes ran from her forearm to an IV stand. In the corner of her vision, she spotted someone standing outside her room. Was that an agent guarding her door?

She was the mole.

“Do they know? Sutherland? Nguyen?”