Page 18 of Zirkov

“Konnitch knew too. In fact, he was on Dal right before Ri’Nom got ambushed, but I don’t see you questioning him.”

“How do you know where Konnitch was?”

“Unlike some people around here, I read the AOE report.”

“The Aliens On Earth list would only show Konnitch wasn’t here, not where he’d gone.”

Her mouth opened, and she struggled to reply. Instead, she closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead. “You’re giving me a headache. It’s too early in the morning to argue with you. I need coffee.”

Morning? It was past two p.m.

Her body sagged against the wall as she drew a long breath. Maybe this was all a misunderstanding and her odd behavior reflected the long hours she’d worked, nothing more.

Graceful fingers lightly wrapped around his forearm. He stared at the delicate hand he’d seen punch and take down a male twice her size, but this touch held a softness to it, a familiarity. She’d never touched him like this before.

His cocks pressed against his trou. If it weren’t for what happened to him on Zyan, he would believe Magdalena was his sholani. The doctors had been quite clear about his condition.

“Are you going to let me pass, Z, or do you plan to make me stand here all day while you interrogate me until you find something to use against me?”

A fire roared in his gut. “I’ve done nothing but try to prove your innocence!”

“I don’t know about the rest of the galaxy, but we’re innocent until proven guilty on Earth. On Dal, they convict suspected slavers without giving them the chance to prove their innocence. While I’m all for helping and believing the victims, many can’t identify their kidnappers with one hundred percent certainty. One said she was forty percent sure, and that was enough for Dal’s High Council to execute the guy.”

“This isn’t about Dal.”

“Then there’s your world,” she said, leaning into him, her hand sliding over his biceps. That enticing fragrance he was sure had to be a perfume struck him until he could no longer control his horns. The center of each curved outward toward her, while the tips pointed away from her. A mating position meant to protect her.

“What about Zyan?” he forced himself to ask if only to keep her from walking away. Her touch felt too drekking good.

“That entire business with Skaggs. They’d condemned him without all the facts. And then there’s you.” She released his arm and poked him in the chest.

“I did nothing illegal.”

“Then explain why you’re no longer a warrior.”

“That’s not information you need.”

“But you feel entitled to pry into my background? To learn everything there is about me? As if that wasn’t already an invasion of privacy—”

“I’m doing my job, female.”

She stepped back, shaking her head. “This entire mole business…You’re trying to piss me off because you don’t like me.”

Oh, Magdalena, if you only knew how I feel about you...

“Say something, Zirkov. Tell me you don’t seriously believe I’m the mole.”

He wanted to, more than anything he’d wanted in years. “I’ve gone over every incident myself and—”

“And I’m the only one you can’t clear.” Sky-blue eyes latched onto his. He could see the hurt there, the hurt he’d caused. “Supposedly who am I leaking information to?”

“Og’dal slavers.”

“The very people who’ve taken and abused the women I help protect. How could you believe—” She swallowed, unable to finish her question. “You never did trust me. From the day we met, you’ve avoided me, left me off ops, only worked with me when you had no choice… Now this. You really do hate me.”

He swallowed, no longer sure what to say. Confronting her with the truth had backfired. He’d let himself get too close to her and it was affecting his judgment.

“I don’t hate you,” he said calmly. “I’m trying to help you.”