Page 15 of Zirkov

“Maggie, you don’t have a sister,” he whispered.

“I should know if I have a sister. Her name is Tallulah Walsh, and she has blue eyes and blonde hair, like me, but she’s shorter and… She passed away, ten years ago.” That was the reason she couldn’t remember at first. Painful memories were easier to shove aside than confront. She’d learned that from many of the abused women Galactic Intelligence rescued.

Zirkov ran a finger down her cheek. “Sholani, something is wrong. Your memory is faulty. And I think you’ve been leaking information for the past four months. Unintentionally, I’m sure, but I—”

“What did you call me?”

“I called you Maggie.”

No, he’d called her sholani. She was sure of it. His calling her sholani had shocked her, making the rest of what he’d said slow to sink in.

“Wait… Did you accuse me of leaking information?”


“Why the hell would you say that?”

“Because the only Tallulah in your file is…” His jaw with that handsome scruff she loved clenched shut. The male never missed an opportunity to put her in her place. If this was some twisted, demented game, she’d make him regret it.

“She’s what?” Maggie demanded. “Spit it out, Z.”

“You’re an only child, Magdalena. You’ve never had a sister or brother. Just a cat… named Tallulah.”



Konnitch leaned over Zirkov’s shoulder as he viewed the five-year-old footage of their unidentified og’dal closing the plank of a known bride ship, one which delivered hopeful human women to brothels and slave markets instead of the husbands they’d been promised.

“Are you sure it’s him?” Konnitch asked. “The og’dal in the morgue has blond hair and is only five-nine. This slaver looks six, six-one.”

“The coroner confirmed the male dyed his hair and some slavers wear boots with thick heels that conceal weapons.”

“When did you come by that info?” Konnitch asked.

“On Dal. Ri’Nom and I were discussing opening a field office there given the growing number of slaves GI5 has rescued lately. Taking rescued women directly to Dal for debriefing and testifying would prove more efficient.”

“That will help ease the marshal shortage, too. Fewer women to protect if they’ve already testified before returning to Earth.”

“Still making decisions based on what’s right for Galactic Intelligence and not the victims, I see,” Maggie said from the doorway of Zirkov’s office.

She crossed her arms over her chest, calling attention to her lovely breasts despite the shapeless blazer she wore. Zirkov forced his eyes up to her sweet face… which barely held her anger in check.

“I see you’re still mad about what I said yesterday,” Zirkov said as he stepped out from behind his desk. He should leave this confrontation for Konnitch to handle, escape where he wouldn’t have to inhale her feminine musk, but her expression held too much anger to dismiss and walk away.

She certainly had every right to be mad. He had no proof, just his instincts that she was the leak. He still couldn’t imagine she would leak information. She cared about the people who worked in Earth Intelligence and GI7. And shefought forthe women they helped.

“Why are you here, Magdalena?”

“You’re right. I shouldn’t be where I’m not wanted.” Maggie turned around and headed out.

Drekk, no, he wasn’t letting her leave angry. Especially not when he needed answers from her.

For a female of her height, she had a long stride and fast gait. The stairwell door clicked shut as he entered the corridor.

He slammed against the crash bar and barreled into the stairwell. Blonde hair bobbed as she flew down the stairs. “Magdalena, stop running from me!”

“I’m not running,” she shouted back. “I’m heading to work.”