Page 13 of Zirkov

Maggie returned it to him. “I only fired it twice.”

“I’m not counting.”

“Sorry. Habit. We’re trained to count bullets, both our own and our enemy’s.”

“A blaster doesn’t lose charge for weeks. Status?”

“Five males, possibly more. Human, two with handguns. I haven’t seen any movement for the past few minutes. They might be out of bullets.”

“Then we should leave.” He motioned Sorcha to stand behind him.

“The best path is through the fence at the end of the alley. I’d planned to shoot through with your blaster.”

“That could work, but the enemy could also be waiting on the other side. I’ve called for backup.” He pointed to his comm.

“We can’t wait for backup. The Brotherhood hunts in packs. They’ll have reinforcements on the way. You need to trust me on this, Stenikov. They won’t expect us to escape through the fence. I know the area. Once we’re through, I’ll find us someplace safe.”

“You may know this area, but I don’t know you or your skills, Marshal.”

“Well, I do, and she’s doin’ a grand job, she is.”

Stenikov’s horns raised, but to his credit, he didn’t talk back to Sorcha.

“You’re new here, Stenikov,” Maggie continued. “On Earth, we accept help when it’s offered, especially among allies.”

“Then what accounts for lying to those allies?” Zirkov said behind her.

Maggie spun around. Help had arrived. Not the type she wanted to see, but for Sorcha’s sake, this was a good development. “Glad you’re here, Warrior.”

Zirkov drew a deep breath. “Why do you persist with calling me Warrior when you know my title is Commander?”

“Because you attended warrior training in Izoran on Zyan. Like Stenikov.”

“How do you know—” Stenikov began, but Zirkov held up a hand, silencing him.

“As the liaison officer between Earth Intelligence and GI7, Marshal Walsh has access to all information Earth Intelligence collects, as well as any information our marshals input into their system.”

“I learned about part of your past at Izoran when we were there, what little the warriors there would tell me,” Maggie said. “You never entered your personnel file in Earth Intelligence systems.”

“Because Earth Intelligence doesn’t need it. But since you are asking, I will clarify. I was a warrior until I wasn’t.”

“You’re talking in riddles.”

“You asked a question. I answered.” Zirkov tapped into his comm. “Stenikov, I’ve sent you the location of a new safehouse. Take the witness and go, now. The vicinity is clear.”

“He’s injured,” Maggie objected.

“Not enough to keep him from fulfilling his duties.”

“Which safehouse?” Maggie asked.

“You don’t need to know. Go, Stenikov. I don’t want to repeat myself.”

With a nod, Zirkov took Sorcha’s hand in his until the woman broke free. “Oi beg yer pardon, Maarshuhls , but b’fore ye take me t’ Dal, I wan’ t’ see me family.”

“No, you’re going with Stenikov to a secure location,” Zirkov said. “Tomorrow, we’ll transport you to Dal. I moved the date up. For your safety.”

“Bollocks. Ye don’t care about me, not at all. I’m goin’ home t’ Ireland, or I’m not testifyin’. Ye can either take me hoowm first, or I’ll start walkin’.”