Page 34 of Zirkov

He tried to recall every facet of his conversation with Konnitch. “What did you hear?”

“Enough to know you still think I’m the mole. Is that why you asked me to see you after court? To show me more so-called evidence?”

She didn’t look upset or offended. Then again, she remained calm in tense and dangerous situations.

“I’m trying to help you, Magdalena.”

She tugged on his vest. “Believe me, Z, I’m not the mole you’re looking for. I have very little authority or value to the DAA. And I have that from the horse’s mouth.”

“Horses can’t speak.”

“An expression. Sutherland made it clear that I’m low on everyone’s priority list. Solve this case, give him a name, and then things will return to normal. At least for you.”

“What do you mean?”

“Apparently, my main function is to sit here and look pretty.”

“You are beautiful, but what does that have to do with your job?”

“You think I’m beautiful?” Her voice pitched high with an excitement that went right to his cocks.

Drekk, he shouldn’t have said that. She was a fellow marshal, not his sholani, as Konnitch believed. A male’s mating cock rising for a female proved nothing. At least for him.

“Very beautiful. For a human,” he replied, hoping to deflate his earlier comment. He’d never seen a more beautiful female, human or zyanthan, but telling her that would make working together awkward.

He’d never know, without doubt, who his sholani was. And yet when he imagined his sholani in his arms, he pictured Maggie.

“Just once, I’d like to see you smile, Z.”

“I’ll smile when I have cause.” One mistake at Izoran had drekked him up for life.

“You mean proving I’m the mole? You’re never going to give up, will you?”

“I can’t. There’s too much at risk.”You.

“If you asked me to meet you, so you can talk me into confessing, forget it. I won’t confess because I’m not a traitor. And stop holding that damn video over me. If you’re so convinced I’m a traitor, turn me in. Then you can go on to the next project or continue protecting witnesses without having me around.”

He gripped her face in one hand. “Maybe I like having you around.”

“Because you respect my skills as a marshal sooo much.”

“You’re a marshal, as much as me, Konnitch, Skaggs, and Stenikov.”

She huffed. “Stenikov...”

“He will acclimate. I’ve already found another assignment for him. But you, Magdalena—”

“Can’t you call me Maggie?”

Both cocks stirred at hearing the plea in her voice. “You once said your friends call you Maggie. And that I’m not a friend.”

“But you could be.” Her expression softened.

“We need to keep a professional distance, Magdalena.”

“Can you smile just this once? For me? That wouldn’t break any rules.”
