Page 44 of They Were Roommates

“Sorry,” he mumbled into the kiss. “Just ignore it.”

Diego hummed into the kiss then said, “I’d rather not.”

Frankie pulled back to look down at his boyfriend. “I know, D, that’s why I said ignore it.”

Diego smiled up at him and there was a light in his eyes Frankie hadn’t seen in a long time. “I meant I’d rather not ignore it. I want you, Frankie. Inside me. Now.”

Frankie experienced a full body shiver from his head all the way down to his toes, but sadly he had to shake his head. “D, I just… it’s been a really long day and an even longer night. I’m sure you’re really tired and probably overwhelmed after your meeting and this just isn’t something I feel comfortable deciding on the spur of the moment. If… if we woke up in the morning and you regretted this, I don’t think I could live with myself. I’m not trying to make this decision for you, but… I need to make it for myself.”

And there was the fact that Diego very pointedly hadn’t acknowledged Frankie’s proclamation of love aloud. He’d called Frankie love as a pet name for the first time, so Frankie didn’t think they were too far away from mutual love, but it seemed they might not be there yet. If they had sex tonight, and it wasn’t filled with love, it very well might break Frankie.

Diego looked up at him with a level of understanding and clarity that almost scared Frankie. This man knew him, too. He knew all of Frankie’s insecurities and fears. He knew how badly he wanted their business to work and how pathetically desperate he was for them to succeed as a couple. They’d kept their relationship secret for almost a year, which sometimes felt like keeping the most important parts of himself secret. Frankie had gone with Diego to his childhood home and stood by his side while Diego first tried to hide their relationship and then had their relationship used as the deadliest weapon against him. Frankie truly couldn’t take any more chances with the fragile thing they were trying to protect between them, and it seemed like Diego understood because he started nodding. Then he grabbed Frankie and rolled them onto their sides.

“Will you finger me, then? I just need us to be connected with no silicone or condoms or anything else between us.”

Frankie’s mind stuttered but then kicked into overdrive as his cock twitched in his pajama bottoms. “Okay,mon chéri… we can do that.”

They both struggled out of their clothes and Frankie pressed himself tightly up against Diego’s chest as Diego reached for the lube. He placed a dollop of the sticky liquid on Frankie’s fingers, then spread some on his own.

They both reached around each other and, in tandem, breached each other’s holes. Frankie’s first finger slid in effortlessly, while Diego had to work his a little to enter Frankie. Unfortunately, that was what happened to him when he wasn’t having regular sex.

Frankie keened loudly as Diego stroked his prostate, and Frankie crooked his fingers, searching around until he found—

“Frankie!” Diego shouted as he clutched desperately at Frankie’s back with his free hand.

“That’s it, love… want to make you feel good.”

“You do,querdio… oh god, feels so good.”

Diego’s head fell back in pleasure and Frankie began sucking shapes and patterns into his skin. Their bodies moved together and, faster than he’d ever managed before, Frankie had Diego close to coming.

“Come for me,mon chéri,” Frankie whispered, and Diego cried out, burying his teeth in Frankie’s shoulder as he came on his fingers.

Both of their hands stilled, and Frankie squirmed a little uncomfortably as he was pulled back from his own approaching orgasm. As he watched his fucked out looking boyfriend come down from his high, an idea struck him.

“I want you inside me, D.”

Diego blinked at him drunkenly for a moment. “I… okay, I can get the harness and—”

Frankie reached down between them and grasped Diego’s cock in his hand. “I wantyouinside me.”

Diego balked at him. “I… it’s not… I don’t know if that will–”

“Can we try, love?” Frankie asked. He ran his fingers teasingly up and down Diego’s happy trail. Diego shivered and hesitantly nodded.

Frankie rolled onto his back and Diego rearranged himself between Frankie’s thighs, his fingers still inside of Frankie. He pursed his lips and seemed to be studying himself. He slowly started to scissor his fingers, and then he crawled forward on his knees until he was perfectly aligned.

“I truly don’t know if this will work,querdio,” Diego warned and Frankie shrugged.

“Then you can just keep fingering me until I come. No harm no foul for me. Is… is this okay for you? Sorry, I sort of just demanded you do this. If you don’t want to, you absolutely don’t have to.”

Diego shuddered. “I have wanted to do this for my entire life, Franklin. I just didn’t have the equipment and then once I did I… have never been brave enough to try.”

Frankie smiled up at him. Diego lowered himself into position. He pressed his dick in between his own fingers and used them as a guide to slide into Frankie, slowly. As soon as he was situated, he pulled out his fingers and pressed fully in.

They both let out broken moans and gasps. Diego’s eyes rolled up into his head and he let out one of the most pornographic noises Frankie had ever heard. Frankie’s cock, which was lying heavy on his belly, pulsed out a few beads of liquid and Frankie reached for it. Diego beat him to it though, taking him in hand and stroking him in time with the tiny thrusts he began to make with his hips.

Diego was nowhere near Frankie’s prostate, so Frankie definitely needed the extra stimulation, but as Diego continued to thrust against him, Frankie found none of that mattered. His boyfriend was actuallyinsidehim, fucking him, and very obviously taking immense pleasure in doing so. The whole thing, Diego’s strong thighs pressed against Frankie’s ass, Diego’s cock, and his hand on Frankie’s dick…it was just about perfect, especially as Diego began twisting his wrist and sliding his thumb across Frankie’s slit.