Page 28 of They Were Roommates

“O-oh, uhm… yeah, I mean… fuck I… I have a lot of questions, D, but I don’t know if now is exactly the right time?”

They both fell silent, and Frankie listened for sounds on the other side of the closed bedroom door. Hearing none, Diego cleared his throat. “Well, maybe I can just say my piece. I’ve only said it to two other people before but I do have a little spiel if you want it.”

Frankie wanted Diego’s spiel, his love, and whatever it was that was in his pants because whatever he had was his and that meant Frankie wanted to get his hands, his mouth and possibly several other parts of himself on it – as soon as fucking possible. Were the clinics still open? He subtly glanced at the clock on the TV stand but then jerked his eyes back. He was being insensitive. Diego would get tested whenever he was ready, Frankie wouldn’t rush him.

Diego seemed to be waiting for something, studying Frankie critically, so he nodded his head frantically.

“So, I have what I call a bio dick. It’s basically the tissue that made up my clit, as well as tissue from my labia majora. It was reconstructed into a bigger bio dick, about–” he held up his fingers around two inches apart. “This big. It grew a little from taking testosterone and it can get hard and a bit bigger.” He moved his fingers apart another half-inch or so. “I have what I call a front hole, and it looks different from, uh… other front holes you may have seen because of the surgery. It doesn't self-lubricate very well anymore and the skin is a little more fragile than it used to be since I’ve been on T for almost five years. It can also get the typical infections that other front holes can get, so I have to be careful and… ask for test results I guess. Damn.”

Diego looked away in shame and Frankie gently turned his face back towards him. “It’s okay, D. They don’t teach this stuff in school and even if they did, it probably wouldn’t be designed for trans men.”

Diego nodded sadly.

“Is there anything else?” Frankie asked. He ran his thumb affectionately back and forth over Diego’s jawline, marveling at how coarse his facial hair was. It wasn’t anywhere near as soft as the hair on his head, and Frankie allowed himself to wonder how the hair on the rest of his body would feel.

Diego shifted slightly, rubbing his ass across Frankie’s very clear erection. Frankie groaned and buried his face in the soft fabric of Diego’s hoodie.

“Oh God, Diego.”

“Talking about holes does it for you?” Diego asked with a hint of skepticism creeping into his voice.

“Talking aboutyourholes does it for me, yeah. Do you… I mean, can I… use both? In sex? I mean not use. Jesus, that sounds awful. I meant, er, pleasure and engage with in a very respectful manner.”

Diego laughed and silenced him with a kiss. “Now I sort of do hope our friends were listening, because if they were, they probably would have just died from embarrassment for you.”

Frankie ran a hand down his face. “Yeah, fuck me, that was awful. Can I try again?”

Diego tilted his head to rest on Frankie’s shoulder, his beautiful brown eyes blinking up at him expectantly.

“So, you have a front hole that would require extra lubrication, and a little more caution because…” Frankie trailed off realizing he actually didn’t know a whole hell of a lot about trans men’s bodies.

“Because it relies on estrogen to do all of its own maintenance and lubrication, and because I have very little of that now, it functions differently.”

Frankie nodded and did a mental scramble to file all the information away somewhere he could find it later. “So, do you want me, your boyfriend and hopefullyverysoon to be lover, to engage with it in any way? Or do you prefer anal?”

Diego blinked up at him for a moment and then raised a skeptical eyebrow. Fuck, had Frankie messed up the language? He thought he’d been much better that time. When Diego continued to stare at him, he began to sweat.

Finally, Diego sat up straight and glared at him, clearly unimpressed. “I’m trying to decide how offended to be that you’re assuming I’m a bottom.”

Frankie balked. “I… I wasn’t! I just… you just… that was your spiel, so I assumed…” Frankie’s cheeks were so hot he thought they might start to sweat.

Diego blinked slowly at him. “You assumed because I have two holes—”

“Diego, I would love it if you would fuck me. If you never want to bottom for me with any of your holes, I would be okay with that. Completely, one hundred percent okay. I just want to be with you in any way you’ll let me.”

Diego smiled faintly, sagging a little into a less erect posture. “I’m… vers.”

“So am I,” Frankie said breathlessly, and then, because he couldn’t stop himself, he added, “I actually bottomed for Jeong, and probably more than half of the menandwomen I’ve been with.”

Diego’s entire face morphed through a series of rapidly changing emotions until he landed back on his typical slightly cocked eyebrow and cocky smile. Frankie was afraid to breathe, lest he scare away the smile.

“Well, I guess that won’t be anything new for you then. I’ve never let anyone inside my front hole, and it sounds likethatwould be a new experience for you, so, we’ll see how I can measure up.”

While Frankie knew Diego was probably hiding embarrassment and maybe even hurt at Frankie’s “experience,” the sentence hit him in a really bad way.

He bowed his head and idly played with Diego’s fingers, which were resting on his lap. “You don’t have to ‘measure up’ to anyone or anything, D. I know I’ve had a lot of sex, and I know you know I’ve had a lot of sex, but I try not to compare lovers. Each sexual act I engage in with each new partner is completely unique and between me and that person. You won’t be competing or vying for any sort of spot, or first-time ribbon, or anything like that with me. I promise.”

Those blasted tears pricked his eyes again. He would never say he was ashamed or regretted how much sex he’d had. He was the proud owner of a young and virile body, and he liked using it to interact with other young and virile bodies to bring everyone involved pleasure. He knew Diego had some hangups about sex, and it seemed he also had some hangups about Frankie having sex, but there was nothing Frankie could do about it now.